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{...} text
{...} text


Used in itemizations. Calls \sym internally, but using the \ran form clarifies that this line specifies a range for the multi-point scale used by the \its items.


  • \startitemize
       [5,             % open circles
        packed]        % no blank lines between items (counteracts \setupwhitespace[big])
       [width=6em,     % width of area in which bullets/numbers/scales are placed
        distance=2em,  % distance between last scale point and item
        items=4]       % number of points in scale
       % First we print a range key
       \ran{yes \hss no} % \hss produces an infinitely stretchable (and squashable) space
       \its I think Lord Peter Wimsey is the bee's knees.
       \its I think Bunter is the caterpillar's waistcoat.

See also

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