Command/ setuplabeltext

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The instances of \setuplabeltext are used to fill in a class of labels


\setupheadtextCertain sections, like the table of contents or the list of figures, have a default title head. This title can be altered with \setupheadtext. See #Description for the list of defined section head labels.
\setuplabeltextThis class holds most other labels like the Figure and Table used in float captions.

Settings instance



In some cases ConTeXt generates text labels automatically; for example,

the word Figure is generated automatically when a caption is placed under a figure. These kind of words are called label texts. Labels are set with the command \setuplabeltext, and retrieved with the command \labeltext. They follow the language set with \mainlanguage, not the local bits of different language that are set with \language.

Note Nearly all the labels in the ConTeXt core are actually loaded from a lua table in lang-txt.lua, instead of via this interface.

NB The option parser for the command setuplabeltext is known to behave somewhat differently from most setups, posing minor constraints on code formatting. For instance the trailing comma after an assignment, otherwise employed to delimit the value, will lead to an error here. The final option in the list needs thus to be terminated by the closing bracket.

\setuplabeltext [
  Omen=est,  %% <= fails!
\setuplabeltext [Nomen=nomen, Est=est, Omen=est] %% <= works

For \setupheadtext, here is the list of known section heads:

name text
content Contents
tables Tables
figures Figures
graphics Graphics
intermezzi Intermezzos
index Index
abbreviations Abbreviations
logos Logos
units Units
pubs References


Example for \setupheadtext

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    % default headtext is 'Inhalt'
    \chapter{The first chapter}

Example for \setuplabeltext

Here is an example of changing section and subsection heads.

  • % English labels
    \setuplabeltext[en][section=My section ] % We want a space at the end of the label
    \setuplabeltext[en][subsection=My subsection ]
    % Dutch labels
    \setuplabeltext[nl][section=Mijn hoofdstuk ] % We want a space at the end of the label
    \setuplabeltext[nl][subsection=Mijn onderdeel ]
    \def\setheadnumber#1#2{#1. #2}
    \section{First Thoughts}
    \subsection{First Subsection}
    % Changing the language does not change the labels
    \section{Second Thoughts}
    \subsection{Second Subsection}
    % To change the labels, change the main language.
    \section{Third Thoughts}
    \subsection{Third Subsection}
    % Retrieving a label explicity:
    This is the Dutch label for sections: \labeltext{section}.

    results in


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