Document layout and layers/Presentations/Presentation effects

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Often you'd like to step through some elements of one "slide" (presentation page).

You can use \FlushStep after each element (text line, table cell...):




\NC test \FlushStep \NC test \FlushStep \NC \NR
\NC test \FlushStep \NC test \FlushStep \NC \NR
\NC test \FlushStep \NC test \FlushStep \NC \NR




  • This should work (again) since 2004-08-05 (Hans posted a patch on the mailing list)
  • There once was \presentationstep that never really seemed to work...

Page Effects

You can address Acrobat's built in browsing effects like this:




Have a look at \def\pagetransitions in spec-fdf.tex for available options.

This setting is overruled by Acrobat's settings and doesn't work with every version of Acrobat (Reader) and will probably never work with any other PDF viewer.

To see page transitions, turn Acrobat into full-screen mode (Ctrl+L). Don't forget to turn on the interaction \setupinteraction[state=start].