Document structure and headlines/Headlines formatting
- 1 Formatting Titles with \setuphead
- 2 Headline text alignment and hyphenation
- 3 Empty the headers of pages preceding a new chapter
- 4 Flushing headline data without typesetting them in the text
- 5 Use the margin
- 6 Numbering and text on separate lines
- 7 Section label in the headline
- 8 Headline with an enlarged shadow
- 9 Completely replace the text and chapter number with an image
- 10 More elaborate headline composition
- 11 Title page with special background
- 12 Chapter head with absolute positioning of following text
- 13 Underlining to the width of last line of the headline
- 14 Headline including bold math
Formatting Titles with \setuphead
For numbering see Section numbering.
The following parameters to \setuphead change the style of the headlines.
Text | Number | Both |
textstyle | numberstyle | style |
textcommand | numbercommand | command |
deeptextcommand | deepnumbercommand | — |
Quite obviously, the number commands work on the chapter/section/etc. number,
their text counterparts change the text itself. However, there are differences
between style
, command
and deepcommand
- The
variants accept a style (bold
, etc.) or a font switch (\em, \tfx, etc). textstyle
prepends the text with the associated style.textcommand
is a command name which is given the text (with all markup) as a parameter.deeptextcommand
is similar totextcommand
but it acts only on the text (not on the markup).
So, if we have \title{A story}, the different parameters have the following results:
textstyle=\em | => | \em A story | ||
textstyle=\em, textcommand=\uppercase | => | \uppercase{\em A story} | => | \em A STORY |
textstyle=\em, deeptextcommand=\uppercase | => | \em\uppercase{A story} | => | \em A STORY |
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \starttext \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em, textcommand=\uppercase] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em, deeptextcommand=\uppercase] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \stoptext
What is the difference between textcommand and deeptextcommand, then? With this example there is very little difference, as uppercase knows how to handle markup. Sometimes this is not the case. For example, an almost similar command WORD is not compatible with textcommand, because it wreaks havoc with markup:
textstyle=\em, textcommand=\WORD | => | \WORD{\em A story} | => | \EM A STORY |
textstyle=\em, deeptextcommand=\WORD | => | \em\WORD{A story} | => | \em A STORY |
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \starttext \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em, textcommand=\WORD] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \setuphead[section] [textstyle=\em, deeptextcommand=\WORD] \startsection [title={A story}] \stopsection \stoptext
In this case using deeptextcommand is the correct solution for capitalizing headers. (Using \uppercase works in this specific case, but only if you stick to Latin 1 or Anglo-Saxon characters. Other languages will suffer from lowercase accented characters, like CAFé.)
Headline text alignment and hyphenation
Headlines should often be left aligned without hyphenation. Try this:
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \starttext \startsection [title={Headline with long words alignment hyphenation}] \stopsection \stoptext
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \setuphead [section] [align={flushleft, nothyphenated, verytolerant}] \starttext \startsection [title={Headline with long words alignment hyphenation}] \stopsection \stoptext
\setuppapersize[A8] \setuphead [section] [numberstyle=bold, textstyle=cap, before=\hairline\blank, after=\nowhitespace\hairline, align={flushleft, nothyphenated, verytolerant}] \starttext \startsection [title={Hasselt makes headlines}, reference=hasselt-ref] Text. \stopsection \stoptext
Empty the headers of pages preceding a new chapter
Using \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] makes the chapters start on the right page. However, the blank page is not truly empty, it contains headers and footers.
\definepapersize[sheet][width=156mm,height=148mm] \setuppapersize[A8][sheet] \setuppaper[nx=3,ny=2] \setuparranging[XY] \showframe[edge] \setuphead [align={flushleft, nothyphenated, verytolerant}] \setupalign[tolerant] \setupbodyfont[6pt] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \setupheadertexts[{\sc\getmarking[chapter]}] \setupfootertexts [{rightpage}] [pagenumber] [pagenumber] [{leftpage}] \starttext \startchapter[title={Chapter A}] \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte} \stopchapter \startchapter[title={Chapter B}] \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte} \stopchapter \stoptext
To get truly empty pages, use \definepagebreak and \setuphead with the option page=
. See the following:
\definepapersize[sheet][width=156mm,height=148mm] \setuppapersize[A8][sheet] \setuppaper[nx=3,ny=2] \setuparranging[XY] \showframe[edge] \setuphead [align={flushleft, nothyphenated, verytolerant}] \setupalign[tolerant] \setupbodyfont[6pt] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definepagebreak % HERE /!\ [mychapterpagebreak] [yes,header,right] \setuphead [chapter] [page=mychapterpagebreak] % AND HERE /!\ \setupheadertexts[{\sc\getmarking[chapter]}] \setupfootertexts [{rightpage}] [pagenumber] [pagenumber] [{leftpage}] \starttext \startchapter[title={Chapter A}] \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte} \stopchapter \startchapter[title={Chapter B}] \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte} \stopchapter \stoptext
- You define a new pagebreak rule. It has the name
. The options set read as:pagebreak=yes
, placeheader, use a right page. - You set options for the header of type chapter and use for the option page the afore defined new pagebreak.
- You might want to experiment with the commented lines and see what happens. For example, the \setupsectionblock commands will give a truly blank page (if needed) after the specified
When using macro divisions (front, body, back matters and appendices)
When using *frontmatter
, *bodymatter
, *backmatter
and *appendices
, you need to remove the page they create to get the page before a new chapter or part with no headers and footers.
\setupsectionblock [frontpart] [page=] \setupsectionblock [bodypart] [page=] \setupsectionblock [backpart] [page=] \setupsectionblock [appendix] [page=] \definepagebreak [firstpagebreak] [yes,header,footer,right] % HERE \setuphead [chapter] [page=firstpagebreak] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext \startfrontmatter \chapter{front} \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{body} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \chapter{appendix} \stopappendices \startbackmatter \chapter{back} \stopbackmatter \stoptext
Flushing headline data without typesetting them in the text
The following is probably a very special case. Hoever suppose you need to place section information like the title e.g. in the topspace area. You want that the section is still displayed in the TOC, but you do not want that at the spot where \startsection[title=...,list=...] resides there is any trace of it. The command to be used to hide the section title is:
\setuphead [section] [placehead=hidden]
Be aware that with this setting indeed the section title is not shown and no white space is inserted. However in this way also the list entry for the TOC is gone. What you can do in such cases is to use the following command in connection with the above mentioned setting:
What happens is that the information in the \startsection[title=...,list=...] command is passed to the texttexts, which are flushed at every page. In order to see when it is flushed you might place e.g. !!! in front of the \placerawheaddata[section].
The result is a complete TOC without any trace of the section heading in the text.
\definepapersize[sheet][width=104mm,height=148mm] \setuppapersize[A8][sheet] \setuppaper[nx=2,ny=2] \setuparranging[XY] \showframe[edge] \setuphead [section] [placehead=hidden, page=yes] \setuphead [subsection] [placehead=yes, page=yes, continue=yes, style=\it] \setuptexttexts[{\placerawheaddata[section]}] \starttext \placelist[section,subsection] \blank[line]\hrule\blank[line] \startsection[title=First section] \startsubsection[title=First subsection] Lorem ipsum \dots \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Second subsection] Lorem ipsum \dots \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=Second section] \startsubsection[title=First subsection] Lorem ipsum \dots \stopsubsection \stopsection \stoptext
Use the margin
Number in the margin
This very simple example shows how to start a title within the margin, rather than at the text’s edge
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \showframe \setuphead[section][alternative=margin] \starttext \startsection[title={Sample chapter}] Number is in margin, not at text edge. \stopsection \stoptext
Headline in the margin
Source on tex.stackexchange
The margintext alternative is mentioned in the command reference [1]).
To raise the position of the first line of the margin text you can use the dy
key for \setupmargindata (\setupmargindata[margintext:section][dy=-2pt]
). – Wolfgang Schuster - Commented Feb 14, 2018
\setuppapersize[A7] \setuplayout [leftmargin=1.5cm, backspace=1.75cm, width=5cm] \showframe[text] [leftmargin,text] \setupmargindata [margintext:section] [align={flushleft,nothyphenated,verytolerant}] \setuphead [section] [alternative=margintext, style=\sc] \starttext \startsection[title={First\\Subject}] \input ward \stopsection \startsection[title={Second\\Subject}] \input ward \stopsection \stoptext
Headline in the margin (2003)
It is sometimes wanted to place the title of a section/subject etc in the margin next to the section text (instead of above it). This is achieved by the following setup:
\setuppapersize[A7] \setuplayout [leftmargin=1.5cm, backspace=1.75cm, width=5cm] \showframe[text] [leftmargin,text] \define[2]\MyHead{\inmargin{#1 #2}} \setuphead [section] [alternative=text, style=\sc, distance=0pt, command=\MyHead,] \starttext \startsection[title={First\\Subject}] \input ward \stopsection \startsection[title={Second\\Subject}] \input ward \stopsection \stoptext
See the mailing list thread (2003) for more on this.
Numbering and text on separate lines
To have the chapter title simply in a new line, a new command needs to be defined that takes care of this. It needs to be wrapped in \framed.
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \setuplabeltext [en] [section=Section~] \define[2]\MySection{% \framed [frame=off, width=broad, align=flushleft] {#1\\#2}} \setuphead [section] [command=\MySection] \starttext \startsection[title={Foo Bar}] \stopsection \stoptext
Section label in the headline
This example illustrates expanded chapter titles with \headtext. You need to define the text with \setupheadtext or \setuplabeltext as above.
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \define[2]\MySection{% \framed [frame=off, bottomframe=on, topframe=on] {\vbox{#1\blank#2}}} \setuphead [section] [command=\MySection, style={\ss\bfa}] \starttext \startsection[title={Foo Bar}] \stopsection \stoptext
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \define[2]\MySection{% \framed [frame=off, bottomframe=on, topframe=on] {\vbox{\headtext{section} #1 % HERE \blank#2}}} \setuphead [section] [command=\MySection, style={\ss\bfa}] \setupheadtext[section=Section] % HERE \starttext \startsection[title={Foo Bar}] \stopsection \stoptext
Headline with an enlarged shadow
This is an example of chapter headings with an enlarged shadow behind them, based on a solution by Hans (2004).
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \mainlanguage[fr] \setupcolors[state=start] \definefont [BigFontOne] [Regular sa 3] %RegularSlanted sa 3(ori) %Sans sa 3:don't work (pb accents) \definefont [BigFontTwo] [RegularBold sa 2] %RegularSlanted \definecolor [BigColorOne] [r=.86,g=.850,b=.54] \definecolor [BigColorTwo] [r=.43,g=.425,b=.27] \setuphead [chapter] [textcommand=\MyChapterText, color=BigColorTwo, style=\BigFontTwo] \def\MyChapterText#1{% \rlap{\BigFontOne\BigColorOne#1}\kern15pt#1} \starttext \startchapter [title={Question}, reference={chap:ques}] \stopchapter \stoptext
Completely replace the text and chapter number with an image
This example shows how to completely replace the chapter text and number by an image:
\setuppapersize[A7] \useexternalfigure [section-1] [cow] [width=5cm,height=1cm] \useexternalfigure [section-2] [mill.png] [width=5cm,height=1cm] \setuphead [section] [command=\MySectionCommand] \setuphead [subsection] [command=] % to prevent inheritance from section \define[2]\MySectionCommand% {\externalfigure[section-\namedheadnumber{section}]} \starttext Text. \startsection[title={One}] \startsubsection [title={First subsection of Section One}] \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title={Two}] \stopsection \stoptext
There are a few snags though. MkII "forgets" to put the chapter in the TOC. So you have to set the deeptextcommand and deepnumbercommand separately instead (thus retaining the command that puts the chapter in the TOC), rather than setting the overall command, if you need a complete TOC.
\setuphead [chapter] [deeptextcommand=\MyChapterTextCommand, deepnumbercommand=\gobbleoneargument] % hide chapter number \def\MyChapterTextCommand#1% {\externalfigure[chapter-\currentheadnumber][height=5cm]} (2005)
Users of MkIV can safely rely on command and don't have to bother with the deep...command variants. However, \currentheadnumber does not seem to return anything but 0. Thus, the following code is required to define \MyChapterCommand when using MkIV:
\def\MyChapterCommand#1#2% {\externalfigure[chapter-\namedheadnumber{chapter}][height=5cm]} (2010)
More elaborate headline composition
TODO: a more attractive example using similar features (See: To-Do List) |
\setuppapersize[A7] \setupcolors[state=start] \startuseMPgraphic{HeaderDeco} numeric w, h, repeats; path p[]; w := OverlayWidth ; h := OverlayHeight ; repeats := abs(TextWidth/BodyFontSize); p[1] := unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h ; draw p[1] withcolor white; p[2] := fullcircle scaled BodyFontSize; p[3] := fullcircle scaled .25BodyFontSize; draw p[2] shifted (.5BodyFontSize,0); for i = 1 upto repeats: if odd i : filldraw p[3] shifted (i*BodyFontSize+.5BodyFontSize,0); else : draw p[2] shifted (i*BodyFontSize+.5BodyFontSize,0); fi; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic \setuphead[chapter][command=\Myheader] \setupheadtext [chapter=Chapitre] \defineoverlay[HeaderDeco][\uniqueMPgraphic{HeaderDeco}] \define[2]\Myheader{% \framedtext [width= \overlaywidth, height=6\bodyfontsize, background={foreground,HeaderDeco}, offset=0pt, strut=no, frame=off, align=middle]{% \headtext{chapter} #1 \blank[small] #2}} \starttext \chapter{Here we go!} \stoptext
Title page with special background
If you want the title page of every chapter to have a special background (different from the background of normal pages), here’s a very effective trick that Hans has provided on the mailing list. In addition, this will give every chapter its own color scheme:
\definepapersize[sheet][width=104mm,height=148mm] \setuppapersize[A8][sheet] \setuppaper[nx=2,ny=2] \setuparranging[XY] \showframe[edge] \startMPinclusions numeric MyTitlePageDone[] ; \stopMPinclusions \startuseMPgraphic{background:normal} StartPage ; fill (topboundary Page -- cycle) enlarged(0,5mm) shifted (0,-5mm) withcolor darkred ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [background:normal] [\useMPgraphic{background:normal}] \startuseMPgraphic{background:title} if unknown MyTitlePageDone.\namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{mycolor} : StartPage ; fill ((topboundary Page --cycle) enlarged(0,5mm)) shifted (0,-20mm) withcolor \MPcolor{color:title:\namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{mycolor}} ; StopPage ; MyTitlePageDone.\namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{mycolor} := 1 ; fi ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [background:title] [\useMPgraphic{background:title}] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={background:normal,background:title}] \definecolor [color:title:one] [middlecyan] \definecolor [color:title:two] [middleyellow] \starttext \startchapter[title=One][mycolor=one] \input ward \page \input knuth \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Two][mycolor=two] \input tufte \page \input knuth \stopchapter \stoptext
Chapter head with absolute positioning of following text
No matter how many lines the chapter head runs to, the text will always start, e.g. 4cm below the top of the heading:
\setuppapersize[A7] \setupbodyfont[8pt] \define[2]\MyChapterCommand{% \vbox to 4cm\bgroup {#1\hskip.75em #2} \vss\egroup} \setuphead[chapter] [header=nomarking, command=\MyChapterCommand] \starttext \startchapter[title={test}] \input tufte \stopchapter \stoptext
Underlining to the width of last line of the headline
A style called for section headings to be followed by a rule which extends only the width of the text. More tricky was the need to make sure that if the text ran onto another line, it was the length of the last line that was to be followed.
Hans came up with this cleverness, showing two alternate ways of doing it:
\setuppapersize[A7] % ---- First solution ---- \define[2]\FirstSolution% {\vbox\bgroup \setbox0\hbox{#1} \hsize.4\textwidth \beginshapebox#2\endshapebox \gdef\SetLastLineWidth{\xdef\LastLineWidth{\the\wd\scratchbox}}% \reshapebox {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\unhbox\shapebox}% \SetLastLineWidth \globallet\SetLastLineWidth\relax \box\scratchbox}% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\wd0+.25em+\LastLineWidth\relax % \setbox2\ruledvbox {\innerflushshapebox} % why is correction needed \setbox2\vbox {\vskip-\lineskip\innerflushshapebox} \setbox0\vbox to \ht2{\box0} \hbox{\box0\hskip.25em\box2} \offinterlineskip \vskip.25ex \blackrule[width=\scratchdimen,height=1pt] \egroup} % ---- Second solution ---- \doglobal\newcounter\NextLinePos \define[2]\SecondSolution% {\vbox\bgroup \hsize.4\textwidth \doglobal\increment\NextLinePos \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1} \hbox{\vtop{\copy\scratchbox}\hskip.25em\vtop{#2}}% \offinterlineskip \scratchdimen\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox+.25em+ \MPx{e:npl:\NextLinePos}-\MPx{b:npl:\NextLinePos}\relax \vskip.25ex \blackrule[width=\scratchdimen,height=1pt] \egroup} \def\DoSecondSolution#1% {\bpos{npl:\NextLinePos}#1\epos{npl:\NextLinePos}} % ---- Trying it out solution ---- % \showstruts \starttext \setuphead[section][command=\FirstSolution] \section{is this nice or not} \section{is this nice or not nice, that's the question} \setuphead[section][command=\SecondSolution,deeptextcommand=\DoSecondSolution] \section{is this nice or not} \section{is this nice or not nice, that's the question} \stoptext
As if that wasn't enough, Taco pointed out that \lastlinewidth is the easy route to finding the width of the last line. Use something like:
\optimizedisplayspacingtrue\setlastlinewidth % core-mat macro \global\advance\lastlinewidth-\hangindent\par % adjust \blackrule[width=\lastlinewidth,height=1pt]
Headline including bold math
When a section title is formatted in boldface text, this doesn't automatically typeset embedded math in bold. This is probably a good thing, as many math fonts do not include all characters in boldface, and often authors use boldface to distinguish between different meanings (for instance, scalar and vector variables). However, in some cases, it is desirable to format the math in the section titles in boldface.
Here a very simple example:
\setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \definetypeface [boldmath] [mm] [boldmath] [latin-modern] [default] \setuphead[section][style=\boldmath\rm\bfa] \starttext \section{Bold $a^2+b^2=c^2$ {\em bla}} text: not bold $a^2+b^2=c^2$ {\em bla} \stoptext