Document structure and headlines/Section numbering

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How to make the section numbers appear as characters

with \setupsection and option bodypartconversion=Character

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
      [title={\ConTeXt\ is fun}]

The section-3 corresponds to section. Similarly

  • section-1 corresponds to part,
  • section-2 corresponds to chapter
  • and so on.
  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
      [title={\ConTeXt\ is fun}]

Numbering system and conversion

You can also choose the numbering system (done by conversion) with \definestructureconversionset and \setuphead and its option sectionconversionset

You can find the conversions codes at \convertnumber.

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
    \startpart[title={Part 1}]
     \startchapter[title={Chapter "1.1"}]
      \startsection[title={Section "1.1.1"}]
       \startsubsection[title={Subsection ""}]
        \startsubsubsection[title={Subsubsection ""}]

Macro divisions influence the numbering

Sometimes one wants an unnumbered chapter, say introduction. Usually this concern the first or last chapter, this is where you will want to use the available macro divisions like \startfrontmatter.

  • \setuppapersize[A8]
      \startchapter[title={With number}]
        \startsection[title={Section one}]
      \startchapter[title={With number}]
        \startsection[title={Section two}]
  • \setuppapersize[A8]
      \startchapter[title={Without number}]
      \startchapter[title={With number}]

Note that just putting the introduction in the frontmatter already is enough, since frontmatter switches off chapter numbering.

An alternative approach:

    incrementnumber=yes, % keep an internal title counter+list
    number=no]           % don't display the counter

% Manually specify the composition of the section and subsection
% numbers, so subsection 1.1 in the second title won't appear as
% Subsection 2.1.1

% Redefine the toc list to include titles

Usually you don’t want this. It also includes implicit titles (from ToC or Index) in the ToC.

Complete section numbering

You might have documents in which your sections don’t follow the structure, such as in:

  • \setuppapersize[A8]

In that case, you would get 1.1 Section 1 SubSubSection.

To enable complete section numbering, you would need in this case:

  • \setuppapersize[A8]

Section headline without chapter number

See default behavior

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
    \startsection[title={Foo 1}]
    \startsubsection[title={Bar one}]
    \startsection[title={Foo 2}]

If you only want the section number in the section title you use \setuphead with option sectionsegments=.

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
    \startsection[title={Foo 1}]
    \startsubsection[title={Bar one}]
    \startsection[title={Foo 2}]

But as once you changed one you have to change the lower ones. So you have to add the definition of sectionsegments in subsection, subsubsection, ...

  • \definepapersize[sheet][width=104mm,height=74mm]
     \startsection[title={Foo 1}]
      \startsubsection[title={Bar one}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar one}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar two}]
      \startsubsection[title={Bar two}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar one}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar two}]
     \startsection[title={Foo 2}]
      \startsubsection[title={Bar one}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar one}]
       \startsubsubsection[title={Barbar two}]
\section{Foo 1}
\subsection{Bar one}
\subsubsection{Barbar one }
\subsubsection{Barbar two}
\subsection{Bar two}
\subsubsection{Barbar one}
\subsubsection{Barbar two}
\section{Foo 2}
\subsection{Bar one}
\subsubsection{Barbar one}
\subsubsection{Barbar two}

Independent section numbering

If you want section numbering to be independent of chapter numbering, use \defineresetset and \setuphead with the option sectionresetset= in order to define which level has the effect to reset or not, the numbering scheme.

  • \setuppapersize[A7]
    \startpart[title={Part 1}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "1.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "1.1.1"}]
    \startpart[title={Part 2}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "2.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.1.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.1.2"}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "2.2"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.2.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.2.2"}]
  • \setuppapersize[A7]
    % Do not reset at part and chapter levels
    \defineresetset [default] [0,0,1] [1]
    \startpart[title={Part 1}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "1.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "1.1.1"}]
    \startpart[title={Part 2}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "2.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.1.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.1.2"}]
      \startchapter[title={Chapter "2.2"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.2.1"}]
        \startsection[title={Section "2.2.2"}]

Specific numbering of specialised sections

Answer 1 - Headings numbered independent of chapters or other headings

If you want a heading that gets numbered without resetting at new sections or chapters (for example, for problems whose numbers increment throughout a book), here is a solution due to Hans on the mailing list (2003):

  • \setuppapersize[A7]
    \definehead [Problem] [subsubsubsection] % use a lower level head
    \setuphead [Problem]                     % cleaned up
       ownnumber=yes]                        % use your own numbers
    \setuplabeltext[Problem={Problem }]      % use a label text
    \newcounter\ProblemNumber                % increment and feed
    \setuplist[Problem]                      % nicer here
    List of Problems
    \blank[big] \placelist[Problem] \blank[big]
      \problem{First problem}
      The first problem description.
      \problem{Second problem}
      Second problem description.

Answer 2

For a textbook, suppose that you collect the exercises in a section at the end of each chapter, with each exercise a subsection having a short title, and the exercises should be numbered only by the subsection (not 1.6.7 for example, just 7). The usage:

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
    \definehead [exercise] [subsection]
    What is the cost of energy from a 9V battery?
    From a wall socket (the mains)?

Dotted number and stopper

for caption

How to put something (a colon or dot for example) after the float number in a caption?

  • \placefigure

TODO: This page could use some more description, and maybe elaboration with other float caption options. (See: To-Do List)

for section

See default:

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]

Example of cutomization

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]

Can also be done with

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]

Another trick to achieve the same:

  • \setuppapersize[A8,landscape]
    without a dot
    having one

Page numbering in words

To number pages using words rather than numbers (eg 'three' or 'twentyfive' rather than 3 or 25), put the following code in your document:

\input numstr

\defineconversion [numstring][\numstr]

and make the following macro file (numstr.tex) available:


\def\numstring#1{\expandafter\@numstring\csname c@#1\endcsname}




   \else\ifnum\number#1<1000000000 %

  \ifnum#1<10 1%
  \else\ifnum#1<100 2%
  \else\ifnum#1<\@m 3%
  \else\ifnum#1<\@M 4%
  \else\ifnum#1<100000 5%
  \else\ifnum#1<1000000 6%
  \else\ifnum#1<10000000 7%
  \else\ifnum#1<100000000 8%
  \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi %
  \or00000000#1% case 1: Add 8 leading zeros
  \or0000000#1%  case 2: Add 7 leading zeros
  \or000000#1%   case 3: Add 6 leading zeros
  \or00000#1%    case 4: Add 5 leading zeros
  \or0000#1%     case 5: Add 4 leading zeros
  \or000#1%      case 6: Add 3 leading zeros
  \or00#1%       case 7: Add 2 leading zeros
  \or0#1%        case 8: Add 1 leading zero
  \or#1%         case 9: Add no leading zeros



   \ifnum#2#3>\z@\space and\space\fi%
   \ifnum#2#3<20 %

  {\ifcase#1\empty\or one\or two\or three\or four\or five\or six\or%
   seven\or eight\or nine\or ten\or eleven\or twelve\or thirteen\or%
   fourteen\or fifteen\or sixteen\or seventeen\or%
   eighteen\or nineteen\fi}



   \or twenty%
   \or thirty%
   \or forty%
   \or fifty%
   \or sixty%
   \or seventy%
   \or eighty%
   \or ninety%


This code originated with Jonathan Sauerand (in German), and was modified and explained by Wolfgang Schuster and Zhichu Chen.