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760 bytes added ,  02:19, 14 March 2005
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====Basic Installation====
After XeTeX being installed and ConTeXt being updated, you should make a format with <tt>texexec</tt>:
For XeTeX 0.9(and after), you need to check that syst-xtx.tex(/texmf.local/tex/context/base/) contained the following lines:
\immediate\openin\scratchread=unicode-letters.tex \ifeof\scratchread
\immediate\openin\scratchread=xplain.tex \ifeof\scratchread
% no initialization file
\input xplain.tex
\input unicode-letters.tex
Now, make a format.
texexec --make --xtx en
This will generate <tt>cont-en.xfmt</tt>, which will be used when running XeTeX and ConTeXt.
For For XeTeX 0.9(and after), it will gernerate <tt>cont-en.fmt</tt>.
(If you receive permissions errors, then you may need to precede the above command with <tt>sudo</tt>:)
If you have later problems, make sure that the <tt>cont-en.xfmt</tt> file was placed in the correct directory for formats, typically <tt>/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/</tt> . Don't forget to <tt>texhash</tt>!
For For XeTeX 0.9(and after), create a folder <tt>xetex</tt> in the folder <tt>/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/</tt>, and put created format <tt>cont-en.fmt</tt> in it. You may move <tt>xetex.fmt</tt> and <tt>xelatex.fmt</tt> in it too.
===Running XeTeX===
XeTeX is invoked with the <tt>--xtx</tt> switch in <tt>texexec</tt>. This loads the XeTeX-specific specials, typescripts and other commands, and actually runs ConTeXt within XeTeX. Technically, XeTeX is an eTeX-like processor, and outputs an <tt>.xdv</tt> file. After texexec's final XeTeX run, texexec runs <tt>xdv2pdf</tt> in order to create a PDF file.
texexec --xtx myfile.tex
For the normal ConTeXt file, run
texexec --pdf myfile.tex
===Document Encoding===
XeTeX is able to handle UTF-8 or UTF-16 documents natively, without any interference or configuration from ConTeXt. If you do want ConTeXt to process UTF-8 characters specially, then you can activate it with <cmd>enableregime</cmd><tt>[utf]</tt>. Be aware that you are then limited by the named glyphs that exist in the unicode vector files (<tt>unic-0xx</tt>). However, it is generally desirable to enter UTF documents without any regime notated, and let XeTeX work its magic.
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