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6 bytes added ,  17:21, 13 August 2017
correct command (whoami instead of who am i)
* Start the Terminal you will find it in the Utility-folder in the Applications-folder
* find what Find your username is , if you do not know it already.<p>The command <code>whoami</code> will output your user name.</p> who am i the first word of the result is your username
* Open the standard MKIV engine for TeXShop enter
open -a TeXShop $HOME/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ConTeXt\ \(LuaTeX\).engine
* Save the engine with a new Name "ConTeXt Suite":
option click on the File menue menu
choose "Save As …"
change (LuaTeX) in the Name field to Suite
hit return
* change Change the set path line to:
set path= (/Users/username/context/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin $path /usr/local/bin)
If you installed in a different location then change /Users/username/context/ to the location where you
installed ConTeXt standalone. ''Do not forget to change username in the line above to your actual username!!''
* save Save the file again
use either the file menu or cmd-s


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