Text blocks/Environments/Paragraph referencing

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(This module is currently not in die distribution. Until it is, you can download it from here).

The pararef module understands a paragraph as a full closed block of one thought. This means that inside a paragraph enumerations, formulas etc. can appear. That is why a paragraph must be defined manually via \startParagraph and \stopParagraph.


Each paragraph gets numbered started by each title. In order to link to a paragraph it can be reference by the optional parameter reference=... as a text reference.

One or more paragraphs can be summarized by a low level title which is displayed as a margin note (margin title) via the optional parameter title=....


Here how a single paragraph with a title looks like:


\startParagraph[title={Paragraph heading}]
\input tufte



Now the more practical part: the paragraph referencing. To reference to an paragraph the package pararef makes use of the crossref module.

Here a simple usage example:



\startchapter[title={Lorem ipsum}]
\startsection[title={Dolor sit}]

\input tufte 

\input tufte 

Here are two references to destinations on the same page:
\item ref1 should be: para. 1.1/2 and is: \crossref[label={para.}][ref1]
\item ref2 should be: sec. 1.2 and is: \crossref[label={sec.}][ref2]
Here is one references with brakets:
\item ref1 should be: (para. 1.1/2) and is: \crossref[left={(},right={)},label={para.}][ref1]



Here are two references to destinations on an other page:
\item ref1 should be: para. 1.1/2 on page 1 and is: \crossref[label={para.}][ref1]
\item ref2 should be: sec. 1.2 on page 1 and is: \crossref[label={sec.}][ref2]


t-pararef-2.jpg t-pararef-3.jpg

Text part divider

Each section (subsection, subsubsection etc.) has mostly three parts:

  • introduction part,
  • one or several main parts and
  • summary part.

Each part contains one or more paragraphs. To make the logic parts visible the parts are divided by a line \textpartdivider.



\startsection[title={Lorem ipsum}]
Some introduction text \input tufte


Some main theme text \input tufte


Some section summarizing text \input tufte

\startsection[title={Doloris sit}]



In pararef the colors can be set via two paramters:

  • textpartdividerColor for the color of the line and
  • paragraphNumberColor for the number of the paragraph.

They are defined as parameters of the module:


For now the color and style of the paragraph title has to be set via the normal outer margin settings.