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Next, for commands which use specific delimiters, such as the {{code|\MyGoTo}} command defined below, then one has to use the construction {{code|context.MyGoTo({"Myfirstargument"},{"Mysecondargument"})}}.
Finally another construction (which works also for the above cases) which is there more specifically for some Lua reserved words (such as {{code|goto, end, if}}, present also as TeX commands) is to use the construction {{code|context["goto"]("some argument",{"ref:somewhere"})}} in order to obtain {{code|\goto{some argument}[ref:somewhere]}}.
All this being said, it is better to give some examples below (try the code by putting and removing the Lua comment signs --)
-- context.MyGoTo({s},{t})
-- context["goto"](s,{t})
-- context.YourGoTo("Index","ref:index")
-- context.YourGoTo(s,t)
-- context.goto("Index",{"ref:index"}) -- this does not work because goto is a reserved word in Lua
