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631 bytes added ,  09:04, 2 January 2019
\useURL [garden][][][Context garden]
The \from[garden] is useful.\stoptext</context> The same technique can be used to add navigation buttons. [[Symbols/nav]] provides the symbol. <texcode>\def\fp{\goto{\symbol[firstpage]}[page(1)]}\setupheadertexts[\fp]</texcode> We can also add the button to the footer with [[Command/setupfootertexts]]. <context>\setupcolors[state=start]\setupinteraction[state=start]\def\fp{\goto{\symbol[firstpage]}[page(1)]}\setupheadertexts[\fp]\starttextLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
\setupfootertexts[{\color[white]{\tfxx \midaligned{\rlap{\currentdate} \hfill TITLE HERE\hfill \llap{YOUR NAME HERE}}}}]
Don't forget to put
* '''Introduction to ConTeXt''' (in French) by Denis Roegel at Gutenberg meeting in 2002 [] ([ tex], [ pdf]).
* [ Slides example] by Aditya Mahajan
== Some Ideas ==
Here are some simple macros almost fully satisfying the idea above with [[SlideWithSteps]], shared with the others by Otared Kavian:
[[]]. David Munger also derived an alternative [[]] from Otared Kavian's work.Bateni has ported that work to MkiV [[]]
