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< [[Fonts]] | [[TypeScripts]] >= Introduction =
This page describes how to use fonts (typescripts) with [[Mark IV|ConTeXt MkIV]] (such as ConTeXt Standalone). For a deeper understanding consult the [ manual on fonts] or documents cited on the [[Fonts]] page (be warned: understanding how fonts work is not easy).
Note that fonts are difficult and some examples on this page do not work. In particular, LM fonts and the TeX Gyre collection.
== Available typescripts =Typescripts =
Each of the typescripts typescript below defines a keyword to use with <{{cmd>|setupbodyfont</cmd>}}. Usually this is the same as the name of the typescript, but there is one exception (: <code>antykwa-torunska</code>).
* Latin Modern (typescript name: <code>modern</code>; this is the default font set)
* Latin Modern variant (ts name: <code>modernvariable</code>; LM variable typewriter for serif)
* Postscript (ts name: <code>postscript</code>; Termes for serif, Heros for sans, Cursor for mono)
* Antykwa Toruńska (ts name: <code>antykwa-torunska</code>; only serif; defines <tt>antykwa</tt> as keyword for <{{cmd>|setupbodyfont</cmd>}})
* Iwona (ts name: <code>iwona</code>; only sans serif)
* Iwona Light, Medium and Heavy (ts names: <code>iwona-light</code>, <code>iwona-medium</code>, <code>iwona-heavy</code>; only sans; the medium variant is a small bit heavier than a "regular" one)
* [[CD_Booklet#Use_Delicious_OTF_font_with_luatex_.2F_mkiv|exljbris Delicious]]
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