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Highlight that \page is an alias of \pagebreak
<cd:commandgroup name="pagebreak" xmlns:cd="">
<cd:shortdesc>The command <tt>\pagebreak</tt> (or it's more commonly used alias <tt>\page</tt>) is used for inserting a page break.
<cd:keywords list="yes" optional="yes" ordinal="1">
<cd:constant type="empty">insert a blank page (even without headers and footers)</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="header">set header off temporarily</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="footer">set footer off temporarily</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="dummy">inserts one blank page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="frame">shows the page frame on the next following (empty) page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="cd:number">jump to the page with this number</cd:constant> <cd:constant method="none" prefix="+" type="cd:number">add this many page breaks (inserting blank pages)</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="default">same as <cd:iref name="yes"/></cd:constant> <cd:constant type="reset">reset the disable command</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="disable">ignore the next <code>\page</code> command</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="yes">force a new page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="no">when possible, avoid page break (This only works in vertical mode, so you might need to insert a paragraph break or <code>\par</code> before the <code>\page</code> command)</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="makeup">force a new page, without filling the current page with whitespace</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="blank">insert a blank page (no page numbers, but with headers and footers); (sometimes <code>\page[yes, blank]</code> is required?)</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="preference">allow page break (i.e. when possible, force page break)</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="bigpreference">allow page break (i.e. when possible, force page break), trying harder</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="left">force a left page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="right">force a right page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="even">force an even page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="odd">force and odd page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="quadruple">force a quadruple page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="last">add last page(s), useful for arrangements</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="lastpage">add last page</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="start">enable pagebreak commands ?</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="stop">disable pagebreak commands ?</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="xy">add last page(s), useful for the XY fake arrangement</cd:constant> <cd:constant type="cd:name">a keyword defined with {{cmd|definepagebreak}}</cd:constant>
<cd:description><!Insert a page break and possibly some extra empty pages. The page-- the long description breaking behaviour of most structural commands is specified with the command goes here --<tt>page</tt>keyword, which takes the same arguments.
<cd:examples><cd:example title=""><context source="yes">\setuppapersize[A10, landscape][A8, landscape]\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided, location={header,inright}]\setuppaper[nx=2, ny=2]\setuparranging[XY] \showframe[cut=true]\subject{One}Mary, Mary, Mary,\page[odd] \subject{Two}Had a, had a, had a,\page[yes] lamb, lamb, lamb</context></cd:example></cd:examples>
<cd:source file="page-brk.mkiv" originator="system"></cd:source>
<cd:wikipage originator="system" page="Category:Structure"></cd:wikipage>
<cd:commandref name="definepagebreak">to define a page breaking keyword that combines the properties of several existing keywords</cd:commandref>
<cd:commandref name="page">is an alias of this command</cd:commandref>
<cd:commandref name="screen">is an alias of this command</cd:commandref><cd:commandref name="column">to insert a column break</cd:commandref><cd:commandref name="setuparranging"></cd:commandref></cd:seealso>