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= Other Potential coming organization =
== Content == {{TwoColumnsUnderLevel1|; Content: textText
:# text, mots, phrases, paragraphes
:# headlines and sectionning
:# quotes
:# verbatim
:# definition, or description and :# enumeration
:# verse
:# References: cross references, links, bibliography, other files
:# Language
|; Content: figuresFigures, tables, maths, notes et pièces attachées,…
:# Figures et groupes de figures
:# Tables
:# graphics with metapost and metafun
:# Notes et pièces attachées
; == Formatting and highlighting: text== {{TwoColumnsUnderLevel1|; Text
:# line and paragraph spacing
:# Saut de page
:# rules
:# Fonctionnalités PDF (à mettre dans le préambule)
|; Formatting and highlighting: pagePage
:# Page format
:# Layout
:# Headers and footers
; == Valuable reading tools as the content expands== {{TwoColumnsUnderLevel1|; Browsing content
:# List of contents
:# List of figures
:# other registers
:# bibliography
|; Pages liminaires, corps, annexesSplitting content:# front matter, couverturesback matter
:# page numbering scheme
:# headline numbering scheme
:# Setups
:# page numbering scheme
:# Front cover and back cover
== Other important details ==
; Other important details
:* special characters and composite characters
:* units
