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<context mode="mkiv" source="yes">Note: * With MkIV, be careful to use {{code|textext.dflt}} which means DeFauLT.* With LMTX, be careful to use {{code|textext.dlft}}) for LeFT, like {{code|textext.ulft}}) and {{code|textext.llft}}) ** ({{code|textext.dflt}} does not work with LMTX).
<context source="yes" mode="lmtx" >
[textstyle={\definedfont[name:dejavusans*default at 25pt15pt]\ignorespaces}]
string MonTexte ; MonTexte := "Aujourd'hui"; draw (0cm,0cm)--(20cm15cm,0cm)--(20cm15cm,20cm15cm)--(0cm,20cm15cm)--cycle
withpen pencircle
scaled 0.5mm
withcolor red;
pair decal ; decal := (0.0cm,-1.8cm) ;
pair PA ; PA := (10cm7.5cm,16cm13.5cm) ;
draw textext.urt("\ruledhbox{URT Aujourd'hui}-" & MonTexte) shifted PA;draw textext.ulft("\ruledhbox{ULFT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PA; draw textext.llft("\ruledhbox{LLFT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PA;draw textext.lrt("\ruledhbox{LRT Aujourd'hui}-" & MonTexte) shifted PA;
draw PA withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PB ; PB := PA shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext.drt("\ruledhbox{DRT Aujourd'hui}-" & MonTexte) shifted PB;draw textext.dlft("\ruledhbox{DLFT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PB;
draw PB withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PC ; PC := PB shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext.d("\ruledhbox{D Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PC; 
draw PC withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PD ; PD := PC shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw"\ruledhbox{BOT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PD;draw"\ruledhbox{TOP Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PD;
draw PD withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PE ; PE := PD shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext.lft("\ruledhbox{LFT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PE;draw textext.rt("\ruledhbox{RT Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PE;
draw PE withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PF ; PF := PE shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext("\ruledhbox{Aujourd'hui}"MonTexte) shifted PF;
draw PF withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PG ; PG := PF shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext.origin("\ruledhbox{ORIGIN Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PG;
draw PG withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
pair PH ; PH := PG shifted (0cm,-2cm) decal ;
draw textext.raw("\ruledhbox{RAW Aujourd'hui}-"& MonTexte) shifted PH;
draw PH withpen pencircle scaled 1.5mm withcolor red;
