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<cd:parameter name="width">
<cd:paramdoc>width of the produced bitmap</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:dimension"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="height">
<cd:paramdoc>height of the produced bitmap</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:dimension"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="x">
<cd:paramdoc>number of pixel in the x direction</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:number"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="y">
<cd:paramdoc>number of pixel in the y direction</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:number"></cd:constant>
<cd:keywords delimiters="braces" ordinal="2">
<cd:keywordsdoc>Concatenated strings giving for each pixel, the color code. For example, in rgb mode : "FF0000" for a first red pixel, then "00FF00" for a second green pixel,... At the end you should provide a string like "FF000000FF00..."</cd:keywordsdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:number"></cd:constant>
<cd:description><!-- the long description of the command goes here -->
<cd:examples><cd:example title="">%<context source="yes">
\bitmapimage[x=2, y=2, width=4cm, height=4cm,color=rgb]{44000088000CC00000FF0000}
</cd:example><cd:example title="With lua, you can obtain all you want">Since you're unlikely to define bitmap images by hand, you'll probably prefer to use lua :-) <context source="yes">\startluacodefunction document.TestBitmap(nx,ny) local r = { } for i=1,nx do for j=1,ny do r[#r+1] = string.format("%02x%02x%02x", math.floor(i/nx*255), math.floor(j/nx*255), 0) end end r = table.concat(r,"\r",1,nx*ny) context(r)end\stopluacode  \bitmapimage[x=100,y=100,width=4cm, height=4cm,color=rgb]{\ctxlua{document.TestBitmap(100,100)}} \stoptext</context></cd:example></cd:examples>
