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mtxrun --script install-modules --install --all
==Installation by script (old)==
Previously, the ConTeXt LMTX distribution did not provide a built-in way to install or update modules.
# Update the ConTeXt file database.
mtxrun --generate
==Installation by script (MkIV) ==
* {{code|x-math-svg}} ({{src|x-math-svg.mkiv}} {{src|x-math-svg.lua}}): convert [[MathML]] to [[SVG]]
* {{code|m-oldmath}} ({{src|m-oldmath.mkxl}}): support for some obsolete math commands like `\over`
* {{code|m-matrix}} ({{src|m-matrix.mkiv}}): calculation and typsetting of [[Matrix_in_maths|matricesMath/Matrices]]
* {{code|m-maybe}} ({{src|m-maybe.mkiv}}): experimental code
* {{code|m-media}} ({{src|m-media.mkiv}}): support for SWF and U3D (deactivated)
=Contributed Modules=
(as of 2024-04-21)
For a list of contributed modules see [ the modules section] on
* [ t-account] draw T-accounts(2009, but works with LMTX)* [ t-algorithmic] like LaTeX algorithmic(2013)* [ t-animation] create animations(2013)* [ t-annotation] todo lists(2013)* [ aquamints] AquaMints symbol support (2005, obsolete)* [ t-bnf] BNF grammar(2006)* [ t-chromato] chromatograms(2008)* [ t-cmscbf] bold small caps(2006, outdated)* [ t-cmttbf] bold typewriter(2006, outdated)* [ collating-marks] collating marks (signature marks, DE Flattermarken) for multi-signature books (2023)* [ calendar-examples] Examples for the PocketDiary module (2023)* [ t-construction-plan] figures with defined scale(2008)* [ crossref] cross-document references (2012, obsolete)* [ cyrillic numbers] traditional Cyrillic numerals (2018, MkIV)* [ date-driven-lists] Extension for the PocketDiary module (2023)* [ t-degrade] downsampling (degrading ) JPEG images(2009, outdated)* [ enigma] Enigma I cipher (2013)* [ t-fancybreak] thought breaks(2015)* [ t-filter] run external programs on inline code(2022, works with LMTX)* [ french] settings for French documents (2011, obsolete)* [ fullpage] equal margins without {{cmd|setuplayout}} (2017)* [ t-fixmegantt gantt] Gantt charts (2012)* [ gnuplot] like LaTeX fixmeinclude GNUplot graphics, context and tikz terminals (2013)* [ t-frenchgreek Greek]Ancient (polytonic) Greek support (2013, obsolete)* [ t-fullpagehandlecsv handlecsv]CSV support for mail merging etc. (2024)* [ thigh high] syntax highlighting (2017; [ 2021 version] board games)* [ t-ganttinifile inifile] Gantt charts.ini files (2008, outdated)* [ t-gnuplotkarnaugh karnaugh] include GNUplot graphicsKarnaugh maps (2021)* [ t-layout]first version of {{cmd|showlayout}} (2007, obsolete)* [ t-letter] formal letters AKA correspondence(2021, works with LMTX)* [ letterspace] letterspacing (2013, MkIV, obsolete)* [ lua-lettrine twidow-lettrinecontrol] decorative paragraph starts automatical avoidance of widows and orphans in grid mode (initials2022, [ latest version])* [ t-markdown] render markdown documents(LaTeX: 2024, ConTeXt example is MkII)* [ t-mathsets] mathematical sets, probabilities etc.(2011, probably outdated)* [ metaducks] partial port of TikZducks to MetaPost (2023)* [ t-pararef] {{cmd|startParagraph|link=no}}, for paragraphs as ‘thought blocks’ that may contain more than one 'TeX paragraph'. These paragraphs are numbered and can be referenced. See [[Paragraph Referencing]].(2012, probably obsolete)* [ pauta] practise grids for medieval calligraphy (2024, LMTX)* [ PocketDiary] PocketMod-style (and other) calendars incl. sun & moon data (2023, LMTX)* [ president] “ConTeXt for pres(id)entations”, a few presentation styles with graphical progress indicator (2023, LMTX)* [ PresVoz] automatical PDF presentations with recorded voice (2024, LMTX, works only with Acrobat on Windows)* [ tpret-rubyc pret-c] Ruby markup syntax highlighting (pretty printing) for ChineseC (2010, not programming languageoutdated)* [ rst] RestructuredText support (2014, MkIV)* [ simplebib] simple bibliography (2012)* [ simplefonts] simple font support (2013, obsolete)* [ t-simpleslides] presentations(2023, works with LMTX)* [ squares] magic/Latin squares (2024)* [ statistical-charts] pie charts, bar charts etc. (2020)* [ sudoku] port of Peter Norvig’s sudoku solver (2023)* [ title] document title pages (2017)* [ transliterator] scientific transliteration of Russian, Church Slavonic etc. (2021)* [ t-typearea] like LaTeX/KoMa typearea (2008, MkII, obsolete)* [ t-vim] syntax highlighting using vim’s syntax files(2022, works with LMTX)* [ visualcounter] counters for presentations (2013; [ 2019 version])
=Special Purpose Modules=
 The following modules implement special formatting requirement for journals or magazines. These modules are distributed with ConTeXt, so you don’t need not to download anything.
* [[This Way - My Way#MyWay|My Way]], User documentation on ConTeXt
