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<context source="yes">
\startformula \frac {a} { \frac{b}{c} } \stopformula
\startformula \frac wfrac {a} { \frac{b}{c} } \stopformula</context> Just an second example from [ mailing list] <context source="yes">\stopformuladefinemathfraction [myfrac] [mathstyle=script]\startformuladefinemathfraction [myfracx][mathstyle=script,alternative=outer]  \wfrac framed[frame=off,align=normal]{% <=== just to improve wiki rendering${a^{2^{2^2}}\over a} $$\frac{a^{ 2^{2^2}}}{a}$$\frac{a^{2}}{b}$$\myfrac{a^{c2}} {b}$$\stopformulamyfracx{a^{2}}{b}$}
The default look of the binomial coefficients look good in several fonts, but for example not perfect in Latin Modern. You can play with {{cmd|setupmathfractions}}, and in particular, you can try
<texcode>\setupmathfractions[Below we show some of the often used fonts, together with the default setting and the one just suggested. The default look of the binomial][fences=parenthesiscoefficients look good in several fonts,%threshold=1but for example not perfect in Latin Modern. You may want to play with {{cmd|definemathfraction}}.5,]</texcode>
Below we show some of the often used fonts, together with the default setting and the one just suggested. You can also play with the
threshold key.
<context source="yes">
\setupmathfractionsdefinemathfraction[binomial] [binom] [fences=parenthesis,rule=no]\definemathfraction[tbinomial][binomial] [mathstyle=text]\definemathfraction[dbinomial] [binomial] [mathstyle=display] \startbuffer\type{\binomial{n}{k}}: $\binomial{n}{k}$\par\type{\tbinomial{n}{k}}: $\tbinomial{n}{k}$\par\type{\dbinomial{n}{k}}: $\dbinomial{n}{k}$\par\stopbuffer
\subject{With fences=parenthesis\tex{definemathfraction}}
\subsubject{Latin Modern}
