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198 bytes added ,  05:35, 23 July 2006
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< [[Math]] | [[MathML]] | [[Math with amsl]] | [[Math with nath]] >
Here a some short example examples of how to use math with the [ newmat] module , which "collects macros that TeX users kind of expect to be available when typesetting math," according to the documentation. These currently include the <cmd>frac</cmd> family (you can use inline math <cmd>frac</cmd>, <cmd>dfrac</cmd>, <cmd>tfrac</cmd>, <cmd>binom</cmd>, etc.), the <cmd>QED</cmd> symbol, the <cmd>boxed</cmd> command, and the <tt>subarray</tt>, <tt>substack</tt>, and <tt>smallmatrix</tt> environments, along with $ some math $ ):a few others. At one time it also included the <cmd>text</cmd> command, though that has now been moved to the core.
Inline maths:<texcodecontext source="yes" text="produces">
\startformulaq = \delta \frac{{\partial p}}{{\partial x}} = \delta (\phi )p_{vsat} (\theta )\frac{{\partial \phi }}{{\partial Inline math: $x}} = \left[ {\frac{{\delta _a y}}{{\mu (\theta )}2z}p_+ x_{vsat} (\theta )} \right]\fractext{{\partial \phi center}}{{\partial x}} = k\frac{{\partial \phi }}{{\partial x}}\stopformula \startlegend$\leg k \\ water vapor permeability \\ \\\leg K \\ water vapor permance \\ \\\leg S \\ surface \\ \\\leg L \\ length \\ \\\stoplegend Aligning is also possible:</context>
\startformula\eqalign{t_{L,early} & = t_{L,late} = t_{L,ray} \cr& = 6\ \mu m \cr}\stopformula </texcode> looks likeDisplay math: <contextsource="yes" text"produces">
Display math:
q = \delta \frac{{\partial p}}{{\partial x}} = \delta (\phi )p_{vsat} (\theta )\frac{{\partial \phi }}{{\partial x}} = \left[ {\frac{{\delta _a }delta_a}{{\mu (\theta )}}p_{vsat} (\theta )} \right]\frac{{\partial \phi }}{{\partial x}} = k\frac{{\partial \phi }}{{\partial x}}
<context source="yes">
\leg k \\ water vapor permeability \\ \\
\leg K \\ water vapor permance permeance \\ \\
\leg S \\ surface \\ \\
\leg L \\ length \\ \\
Aligning is also possibleAligned display math:<context source="yes">\usemodule[newmat]
t_{L,\text{early}} & = t_{L,\text{late}} = t_{L,\text{ray}} \cr
& = 6\ \mu m \cr
</context>(These samples are adapted from an example sent to the mailing list on 2005-06-28 by Wolfgang Zillig.)
(The sample was sent to the mailing list on 2005-06-28 by Wolfgang Zillig.)[[Category:Math]]
