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grammar corrections
\stopuseMPgraphic %finishing
\startuseMPgraphic{Gamma} %this This is a layer subset which will be used more than once. I call it a layer subset and not a layer set because it doesn't include another MPgraphic.
draw layerU ;
draw layerM ;
\startuseMPgraphic{layersetpage2} %there There should not be a no gap in the sequence of the numbers of the layersetpages
\includeMPgraphic{layersetpage1} ;
draw layerV ;
\includeMPgraphic{Gamma} ;
\startuseMPgraphic{layersetpre4} %This is a layer set because it includes another MPgraphic. It will be used more than once, but not it will not become a page itself. It's only an intermediate step on the way to the next layersetpage. For that reason, it's not named layersetpage. Because it's coming before the layersetpage4, I call it layersetpre4. If I need another intermediate step stored before layersetpre4, I would call it layersetprepre4. But that's only a naming convention for myself.
\includeMPgraphic{layersetpage1} ;
draw layerY ;
\stopuseMPgraphic %Gamma
\dorecurse{6}{ %This loop starts from 1 until the set number. and draws each layersetpage onto its own page. Don't set a number which is higher than the number of your last layersetpage.
