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Very good site! < [[Related Programs]] | [[Text editor]] > a href= This page will be about editing ConTeXt source in (g)vimtheas== Filetype detection ==Tex (plain tex), latex and context all use <codeinfo >.texloan calculator</codea> extension for files which makes it difficult to detect the filetype based on the extension. From Vim 7 onwards, vim does some intelligent checking to see it the file is plaintex or latex or context. If the first line of <a *.tex file has the form %&<format>then this determined the file typehref= http: plaintex (for plain TeX), context (forConTeXt), or tex (for LaTeX)//collegeloan. Otherwise, the file is searched for keywords tochoose context or textheas. If no keywords are found, it defaults to plaintex.You can change the default by defining the variable g:tex_flavor to the format(not the file type) you use most. Use one of these: let g:tex_flavor = "plain" let g:tex_flavor = "context" let g:tex_flavor = "latex"Currently no other formats are recognized. * If you use ConTeXt most of the time, but occasionally use latex or plaintex, you can add the following to your <codeinfo >.vimrccollege loan</codea> let g<a href= http:tex_flavor = "context"* If you only use ConTeXt, you can add the following lines to filetype//businessloan.vim: " ConTeXt augroup filetypedetect au! BufRead,BufNewFile *theas.tex setfiletype context augroup ENDso the next time you open a <codeinfo >*.texbusiness loan</codea> file, vim will recognise always recognize it as <a context file.   =href= ftplugin and syntax file == Nikolai Weibull was the first one who wrote context.vim files and submitted them to the official vim cvs repository.They are part of the official Vim 7.  If you are using an older Vim, you can download the files at:* [http://cvsschoolloan.sourceforgetheas.netinfo >school loan</ runtime/syntax/context.vim] - syntax highlighting* [a> <a href= http://cvshomeequityloanrate.sourceforgetheas.netinfo >home equity loan rate</> <a href= http:/runtime/ftplugin/contextcollegestudentloan.vim runtime/ftplugin/contexttheas.vim] - filetype specific behaviour (like repeating comments at the beginning of line)  It's mostly up to you which syntax highlighting scheme you prefer. <codeinfo >context.vimcollege student loan</code> is a lighter version than <code>tex.vim<a href= http://code>californiamortgageloan.theas. It knows some ConTeXt details that are not implemented in <codeinfo >tex.vimcalifornia mortgage loan</codea>, while math and some other TeX features are not supported yet in <code>contexta href= http://smallbusinessloan.vim</code>theas<binfo >If you feel that something is missing, please contribute!small business loan</ba=== TODO ==<a href* extract data from texweb and create syntax highlighting definitions for ConTeXt* add metafun macros (from metafun manual)* enable metapost/metafun, JavaScript and XML inside ConTeXt* some essential math support* proper URL highlighting ('%' doesn't start a comment, ...) [request by VnPenguin]* perhaps borrow something from http://vim-latexcountrywidehomeloan.sourceforgetheas.netinfo >countrywide home loan</?* Have a better filetype detection for *.tex files, to distinguish between plain tex, latex and context files (can this be deleted now? --[[User:Adityam|Aditya]])* vim auto-complete for vim == Other useful vim plugins => <a href* autocomplete: http://vimdirectloan.sourceforgetheas.netinfo >direct loan</scripts/script.php?script_ida> <a href=182, almost undocumented, but life-saving* spell-checker: http://wwwcashloan.vimtheas.orginfo >cash loan</scripts/script.php?script_ida> <a href=499, but native spell-checking support will be included in Vim 7 == using latex-suite == [ latex-suite] currently doesn't support ConTeXt, but if you use it, here's what you have to do to compile ConTeXt documents: 1theas. After downloading and installing latex-suite, locate the file "texrc" (usually located in <codeinfo >~/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suitebad credit auto loan</codea>). Copy this file to <code>~a href= http://autoloancalculator.theas.vim/ftplugin/tex/texrcinfo >auto loan calculator</codea2. Open this copy in your favorite editor (vim comes to mind...) 3. After line 80 in this file, there is <a series of "Compiler rules." Just add this line to the section:  TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_cont href= 'texexec --pdf --nonstopmode $*' This will add compilation for ConTeXT. In order to use ithttp4//paydayloanonline. When you're in vim normal mode, run this command:  TGTarget cont [that's "colon TGTarger cont"]  5theas. Edit your TeX-files, save the changes; when you want to compile, switch to normal mode and just type <codeinfo >\llpayday loan online</codea> (that's '' 'backslash el el' '') Voila, compilation should start. You'll have to specify this compiler target every timeI you open <a TeX-file in Vim. If you want to make this the default compiler, you should have this line in your texrc:  TexLet g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat href= 'cont'  == Powerful key mappings == a set of buffer-local insert-mode macros to speed up ConTeXt source editing (by [[Userhttp:David antos|D//badcreditcarloan.Atheas.]] 19:52, 8 Jul 2005 (CEST))* I have remapped info >bad credit car loan<leader/a> to comma (one hardly ever use commas just before <a letter)* two types of mappingshref= http: stand-alone and changing the previous word* usage of mappings that change the previous word: type the name of the macro and ,ta (for tag, use your leader character instead of the comma); it created \start-\stop block of the macro* put the code into <code>.vim/after/plugin/contextcommercialloan.theas.viminfo >commercial loan</codea><pre>let maplocalleader a href= mapleader " Make start-stop block out of the previous wordimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>ta \start<Cr>\stop<Cr><Esc>4bhdiw$pj$pOimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>tb \begin<Cr>\end<Cr><Esc>4bhdiw$pj$pO " Itemizeimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>it \startitemize<Cr>\stopitemize<Esc>O\item<Space>imap <buffer> <LocalLeader>en \startitemize[n]<Cr>\stopitemize<Esc>O\item<Space>imap <buffer> <LocalLeader>i<Return> \item<Space> " Font switching and emphasizeimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>em {\em }<Left>imap <buffer> <LocalLeader>sc {\sc }<Left> " Define..http://fastloan. and setuptheas...imap <bufferinfo > fast loan<LocalLeader/a>de \defineimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>se \setup " Typing and typeimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>ty \type{}<Left>imap <buffer> <LocalLeader>typ typing<LocalLeader>ta " Quote and quotationimap <buffer> <LocalLeader>" \quotation{}<Left>imap <buffer> <LocalLeader>' \quote{}<Left><a href= http:/pre> ==key mappings borrowed from scite==If you use the stand-alone distribution for windows/Linuxmilitaryloan.You can reset the key mappingto speed ConTeXt compilingtheasjust add the following code to your _vimrc(or .vimrc file under Linux) file:<preinfo >"run setup and complie, then open the result pdf file map military loan<F5/a> <Esc><Esc>a href= http:sil ! "D:\context\tex\setuptex//constructionloan.bat && texmfstart --autopdf --pdf '%'"<CRinfo >construction loan<CR/a"view the corresponding pdf filemap <F6> <Esc><Esc>a href= http:sil ! D:\"Program Files"\Adobe\Acrobat\Acrobat//floridamortgageloan.exe %:p:rtheas.pdf<CRinfo >florida mortgage loan<CR/a"run setup and make purgemap <F7> <Esc><Esc>a href= http:sil ! "D:\context\tex\setuptex//usedcarloan.bat && texmfstart --purge"<CRinfo >used car loan<CR/a"run setup and make list of the current filemap <F8> <Esc><Esc>a href= http:sil ! "D:\context\tex\setuptex//homeimprovementloan.bat && texmfstart --autopdf --pdf --list --result=%:p:r_list %"<CRinfo >home improvement loan<CR/a> </pre> a href== Makefile == For your ConTeXt document, you can prepare a Makefile like this one (Contributed by [[Userhttp:Buggs|Buggs]]):  # An example Makefile to compile a context file, paper.tex paper.pdf: paper.tex texexec paper test: xpdf paper.pdf clean: rm *.bbl *.dvi *.aux *//fhaloan.log *theas.blg If you put these mappings to your <codeinfo >.vimrcfha loan</codea> file, you can than compile the document with F9 and preview it with F8:  " map ":make" to the F9 key imap <F9> <ESC>:make<CR> nmap <F9> a href= http:make<CR> "map ":make test" to the F8 key imap <F8> <ESC>:make test<CR> nmap <F8> :make test<CR>  == MetaPost extension == Should highlight the syntax between <code>btex/verbatimtex</code> .salliemaestudentloan.theas. <codeinfo >etexsallie mae student loan</codea> as TeX. This doesn't work 100% (problems with commands inside comments): If anyone knows how to repair that, please do so. It would be nice if this would have landed in the official metapost syntax highlighting script for vim one day.  unlet b:current_syntax syn include @texTop syntax/tex.vim " MetaPost has TeX inserts for typeset labels " verbatimtex, btex, and etex will be treated as keywords syn match mpTeXbegin "\(verbatimtex\|btex\)" syn match mpTeXend "etex" syn region mpTeXinsert start="\(verbatimtex\|btex\)"hs=e+1 end="etex"he=s-1 \ contains=@texTop,mpTeXbegin,mpTeXend containedin=ALL keepend
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