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installation howto for funtoo with the minimals from conTeXt in a funtoo-way
< [[Installation]] | [[ConTeXt Minimals/FAQ|Minimals/FAQ]] | '''[[ConTeXt Minimals/Tree|Minimals/Tree]]''' | [[ConTeXt Minimals/Structure|Minimals/Structure]] | [[ConTeXt Minimals/Implementation|Minimals/Implementation]] | [[ConTeXt Minimals/TODO|Minimals/TODO]] | [[ConTeXt Minimals/Contents|Minimals/Contents]] | [[Installation hints]] | [[Linux Installation]] >

== Overview ==

As [[TeXlive]] has in the moment problems supporting the MKII and the MKIV at the same time and I wanted to use both I created an ebuild for [ funtoo], so that the minimals can be installed and/or uninstalled in the common way via '''emerge'''. The ebuilds are stored in a git directory so you need to check them out before using.

== Cloning the git Repository ==

First you need to checkout the git repository to your local disk that can easily be done by executing the following commands:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/self
# cd /usr/local/portage/self

now clone the repository by

# git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/local/portage/self/foo-golodhrim/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 55, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 2Receiving objects: 32% (18/55), 12.00 KiB | 7 KiReceiving objects: 100% (55/55), 13.79 KiB | 7 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (49/49), done.
remote: Total 55 (delta 13), reused 0 (delta 0)

this will create a folder called foo-golodhrim with the ebuilds in it.

== Activate the overlay ==

You now need to create a file called ''make.conf'' in /usr/local/portage/self with the following content


or if you used layman for other overlays just add the following line do the PORTDIR_OVERLAY Keyword


if this is done we only need to make the new overlay known to our '''/etc/make.conf''' if you haven't already used layman on the same path, by adding the following line to the end of the '''/etc/make.conf''':

source /usr/local/portage/self/make.conf

== What ebuilds will I receive ==

Right now you will receive the following ebuilds by cloning the Repository:

* <tt>sci-mathmathmatics/zul</tt> aka CAR, a mathmatic circle and ruler tool

* <tt>app-text/texworks</tt>, an editor for TeX files also used by Pragma AD for writing ConTeXt files

* <tt>gnome-extra/gnome-commander</tt>, a full featured, dual-panel file editor

* <tt>app-text/context-minimals</tt>, a build for the conTeXt Minimal installation script for Funtoo

* <tt>app-text/context-dstroke</tt>, a build for the doublestroke Font, that are missing in the Minimals right now

These ebuilds are written for [ funtoo] but might also work for [ gentoo], but this is not tested yet.

== Howto Install ==

The Installation is now really easy just use the known command-procedure from [ funtoo].

Installation of the context-minimals:

# emerge context-minimals

Installation of the doublestroke Fonts

# emerge context-dstroke

and if you like to use the texworks editor with support for conTeXt merge it with

# emerge texworks
