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add Korean font setup (we should rename this page to CJK)
* manual by Pragma: [ Chinese in ConTeXt]
=Chinese in ConTeXt (ConTeXt 2005.12.19 and newer)=
If Get inspirated with importing Chinese fonts with this [ script]. # You need some Chinese (TrueType) fonts; you have may want to get for example Microsoft Truetype fonts:## [ STSong],## [Context 2005 STZhongsong],## [ STXihei], you only have to get the ## [ STKaiti],## [ STFangsong].# Example of some basic document with enabled Chinese:
# You need some Chinese (TrueType) fonts; you may want to get [ FangSong], [ HeiTi], [ KaiTi] and [ SongTi]. Put those e.g. into $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/chinese/.
# Use Hans Hagen's experimental [ ttf2uni.rb] script to create .map, .tfm and .enc files. You can then put the files e.g. to $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/chinese/ (*.tfm files), $TEXMF/fonts/enc/chinese/ (*.enc files, they are basically the same for all fonts) and to $TEXMF/fonts/map/chinese/.
# You may now need to update the hash TeX uses to find the files; using teTeX this is done by running <tt>texhash</tt>.
# How you can run your Hello World program:
\usemodulesetscript[chihanzi] % hyphenation % Enable fonts\usetypescriptfile[mscore]\setupbodyfont [mschinese,12pt]\usebodyfont [mschinese-00light,12pt]\definebodyfontenvironment[24pt]\definebodyfontenvironment[18pt] \setuppagenumber [numberconversion=cn]\definestructureconversionset[chinese][numbers][cn]\setupheads [sectionconversionset=chinese] \define[2]\ChineseChapter{第#1章 #2}\setuphead[chapter][command=\ChineseChapter,style={\bf\switchtobodyfont[24pt]}]\setuphead[section][style={\bf\switchtobodyfont[18pt]}]  \setuppagenumbering[state=start, alternative=singlesided, location={footer, center}, style={\bf\switchtobodyfont[11pt]}
你好!\chapter{华文字体系列} 在微软提供的 Office 套装中附带了一定数量的中文字体,这些字体是常州华文印刷新技术有限公司制造的。 \startitemize\item \type{\it}: {\it 华文仿宋}\item \type{\rm}: {\rm 华文仿宋}\item \type{\bf}: {\bf 华文中宋}\item \type{\ss}: {\ss 华文细黑}\item \type{\tfxx}: {\tfxx 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tfx}: {\tfx 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tf}: {\tf 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tfa}: {\tfa 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tfb}: {\tfb 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tfc}: {\tfc 华文仿宋}\item \type{\tfd}: {\tfd 华文仿宋}\stopitemize
If you only want to access a few Chinese characters, you should use <code>\input font-chi.tex</code> instead of <code>\usemodule[chinese]</code> as the latter changes also the default language and some of the numberation/section settings (see [ s-chi-00.tex]). If you want to typset vertical text, use <tt>\startvertical ... \stopvertical</tt>, if you want to use Chinese numbers, you can use e.g. <tt>\startitemize[c]</tt>; possible options are <tt>c</tt> or <tt>cn</tt> for normal Chinese numbers (一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六 etc.), <tt>cc</tt> for the capitalized (or financial) Chinese numbers (壹, 贰, 叁 etc.), <tt>ec</tt> for an extended version which uses 廿 and 卅 (instead of 二十 and 三十), and <tt>ac</tt> for using the == Chinese numbers zero (零, 〇) to nine (九) in the same way one does with the Arabic digits 0 to 9.==
//added Added by Xiao Jianfeng
As far as I know, it is wrong to use "零" with "一,二,....,十".
In China, numbers must be written in both Chinese upper case and Arabic form together in accounting.
=Font setup for Korean=
Example by Wolfgang (2017-12-06):
You need fonts which contain hangul characters (don’t forget to set a math font because it is used for the symbols in enumerations) and you have to enable linebreaking for korean with the {{cmd|setscript}} command.
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [rm] [Nanum Myeongjo] [preset=range:korean]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [rm] [DejaVu Serif]
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [ss] [Nanum Gothic] [preset=range:korean]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [DejaVu Sans]
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [tt] [Nanum Gothic Coding] [features=none,preset=range:korean]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [tt] [DejaVu Sans Mono] [features=none]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [mm] [DejaVu Math]
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== See also ==