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34 bytes added ,  08:34, 30 July 2015
fixing source links, small text changes / still doesn’t compile
< [[Tables Overview]]
There's no docs documentation about this new mode besides in the sources ([[source:coretabl-ltb.texmkii|coretabl-ltb.texmkii]]/[[source:tabl-ltb.mkiv|tabl-ltb.mkiv]]).It uses eTeX and is for huge tables that can spread over several pages horizontally and vertically.
It can repeat not only rows (headers, footers) but even columns.
\NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
{\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}
\NC[style=slanted, color=green, background=color, backgroundcolor=darkred, nx=2, uitlijnen=middle] xxx
\NC yy \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
{\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}