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At EuroTeX 2005 several persons approached Hans Hagen to translate the manual ''ConTeXt, an excursion''. This page lists the contents of the manual version 990527.

The purpose it to comment which sections need to be updated, which ones need to be deleted, etc., before to begin the translation.

== How to create a document ==
== How to process a file / Run CONTEXT ==
== Special characters ==
== Defining a document ==
== Headers ==
* \setupsectionblock[...][..,..=..,..]
* \chapter[ref,..]{...}
* \section[ref,..]{...}
* \subsection[ref,..]{...}
* \title[ref,..]{...}
* \subject[ref,..]{...}
* \subsubject[ref,..]{...}
* \definehead[.1.][.2.]
* \setuphead[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupheads[..,..=..,..]
== Itemize ==
* \startitemize[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] ... \stopitemize
* \setupitemize[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..]
== Formulae ==
* \placeformula[ref,..]{.1.}$$.2.$$
* \startformula ... \stopformula
* \setupformulae[..,..=..,..]
== Legends ==
* \startlegend[.1.]\leg.2.\\.3.\\.4.\\\leg ... \stoplegend
== Units ==
== Figures ==
* \placeblock[.1.][ref,..]{.2.}{.3.}
* \useexternalfigure[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..]
* \startcombination[...] ... \stopcombination
* \startblocktext[.1.][ref]{.2.}{.3.} ... \stopblock
* \externalfigure[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupfloats[..,..=..,..]
* \setupcaptions[..,..=..,..]
== Tables ==
* \starttable[...] ... \stoptable
* \setuptables[..,..=..,..]
* \setupfloats[..,..=..,..]
* \setupcaptions[..,..=..,..]
== Paragraph formatting ==
* \defineparagraphs[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupparagraphs[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..]

== Columns ==
* \startcolumns[..,..=..,..] ... \stopcolumns
* \setupcolumns[..,..=..,..]

== Footnotes ==
* \footnote[ref]{...}
* \note[ref]
* \setupfootnotes[..,..=..,..]
== Definitions ==
* \definedescription[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupdescriptions[..,...,..][..,..=..,..]
== Numbered definitions ==
* \defineenumeration[..,.1.,..][.2.][..,..=..,..]
* \setupenumerations[..,...,..][..,..=..,..]
== Outlined text ==
* \framed[..,..=..,..]{...}
* \setupframed[..,..=..,..]
== Outlined paragraphs ==
* \startframedtext[...][..,..=..,..] ... \stopframedtext
* \setupframedtexts[..,..=..,..]
== Margin texts ==
* \inmargin[.1.][ref]{.2.}
== Page breaking and page numbering ==
* \page[..,...,..]
* \setuppagenumbering[..,..=..,..]
* \startpostponing ... \stoppostponing
== Page headers and footers ==
* \setupfootertexts[.1.][.2.][.3.]
* \setupheadertexts[.1.][.2.][.3.]
* \setupheader[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupfooter[...][..,..=..,..]
== Table of contents (lists) ==
* \definecombinedlist[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..]
* \setuplist[..,...,..][..,..=..,..]
* \setupcombinedlist[...][..,..=..,..]
* \placelist[..,...,..][..,..=..,..]
* \writetolist[.1.]{.2.}{.3.}
* \writebetweenlist[.1.]{.2.}
== Registers ==
* \defineregister[.1.][.2.]
* \setupregister[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..]
== Synonyms ==
* \definesynonyms[.1.][.2.][.3.][.4.]
== Refering to text elements ==
* \in{.1.}{.2.}[ref]
* \at{.1.}{.2.}[ref]
* \pagereference[ref]
* \textreference[ref]{...}
== Color ==
* \setupcolors[..,..=..,..]
* \definecolor[...][..,..=..,..]
== Background text ==
* \startbackground ... \stopbackground
* \setupbackground[..,..=..,..]
== Page backgrounds ==
* \setupbackgrounds[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..]
== Alignment ==
* \setupalign[...]
* \startalignment ... \stopalignment[...]
== Interactive mode in electronic documents ==
* \setupinteraction[..,..=..,..]
* \goto{.1.}{.2.}[ref,..]
* \useexternaldocument[.1.][.2.][.3.]
* \from[ref]
* \defineinteractionmenu[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..]
* \setupinteractionmenu[..,...,..][..,..=..,..][..,{..[ref,..]},..]
== Fonts and font switches ==
* \setupbodyfont[..,...,..]
* \switchtobodyfont[..,...,..]
* \definebodyfont[..,.1.,..][.2.][..,..=..,..]
* \em
* \starttyping ... \stoptyping
* \type{...}
* \setuptyping[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setuptype[..=..]
== Composite characters ==
== Page layout ==
* \setuplayout[..,..=..,..]
* \adaptlayout[21,38][height=+.5cm]
* \startlocal ... \stoplocal
== Paragraph spacing ==
* \setupwhitespace[...]
* \startlinecorrection ... \stoplinecorrection
* \blank[..,...,..]
* \setupblank[...]
* \startpacked[...] ... \stoppacked
* \startunpacked ... \stopunpacked
* \godown[...]
* \setupindenting[..,...,..]
* \indenting[..,...,..]
* \noindenting
== Setup commands ==
* \setupparagraphs[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..]
== Defining commands / macros ==
* \define[.1.]\command{.2.}
* \definestartstop[...][..,..=..,..]
== Miscellaneous ==
* \definefloat[.1.][.2.]
* \setupfloat[...][..,..=..,..]
* \setupfloats[..,..=..,..]
* \setupcaption[...][..,..=..,..]
* \defineblock[...]
* \hideblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..]
* \useblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..]
* \keepblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..]
* \selectblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..][..=..]
* \startbuffer[...] ... \stopbuffer
* \setupbuffer[...][..,..=..,..]
* \starthiding ... \stophiding
* \hairline
* \thinrule
* \thinrules[..=..]
* \setupthinrules[..=..]
* \setupfillinrules[..,..=..,..]
* \setupfillinlines[..,..=..,..]
* \low{}
* \high{}
* \lohi{}{}
* \currentdate
* \position(.1.,.2.){.3.}
* \setuppositioning[..,..=..,..]
* \rotate[..,..=..,..]{...}
* \setuprotate[..,..=..,..]
* \crlf
* \startlines ... \stoplines
* \language[...]
== Using modules ==
* \usemodule[..,...,..]
== Appendix A User specifications ==
* \setupoutput[pdftex]
* \setupoutput[dvipsone,dviwindo]
== Appendix B Processing steps ==
* texutil --references filename
* texutil --figures *.
* texutil --figures --epspage --epspdf
* texexec filename
== Appendix C Auxilliary files ==
* myfile.tex
* myfile.tuo
* myfile.tub
* myfile.tmp
* texutil.tuf
* myfile.dvi
* myfile.pdf
== Appendix D Command definitions ==
== Appendix E Command Index ==
== Appendix F Subject Index ==
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