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29 bytes removed ,  06:12, 15 September 2011
< [[Modules]] | [[Graphics]] | [[Gantt charts]] | [[MetaPost]] | [[TikZ]] >
[ Gantt] is a (third party) [[Modules | ConTeXt module]] for drawing Gantt charts via MetaPost or PGF/TikZ.
== Description ==
To switch between the two drawing engines (MetaPost and TikZ) use the style option.
The default engine is MetaPost.
The optional argument [...] can be filled in a key=value syntax, using one or more of the following keys:
* ''sffactor'' - MetaPost scale factor (default: 1)
* ''xunitlength'' - length of one time slot (default: 1cm)
* ''fontsizestyle'' - fontsize of labels (default: \tf)* ''titlefontsizetitlestyle'' - fontsize of title section (default: \tfx)
* ''drawledgerline'' - switch to enable/disable the drawing of horizontal ledger lines (default value: false)
