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88 bytes added ,  11:42, 15 August 2022
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I'm not an expert, but putting Putting the following before <code>\starttext</code> worked for me on Mac OS X: \usemoduleusetypescriptfile[simplefontsosx] \setmainfontusebodyfont[hiraginokakugothicprohiragino-kaku,12pt]
\setscript[nihongo]I got chose "hiragino-kaku" from typescripts with the "hiragionkakugothicprojapanese" by looking at the default font feature in TextEdit, then looking for a similar string in the output of <code>fctype-imp-list</code>osx.mkiv.
Japanese typography usually uses underdots for emphasis. The should do itThis is the closest I got: ... 日本語の表記では“\ruby{漢字}{..}”やUnderline like 日本語の表記では“\setupunderbar[alternative=c]underbar{漢字}”やbut doesn'tis probably acceptable too. Oh well Of course, underline ruby is acceptable toomore generally useful, e.g. \ruby{漢字}{かんじ}