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5,598 bytes added ,  17:31, 19 February 2016
Please do not RED tag other wiki pages.
<div style="border: 3px solid red; background: #ffaaaa; padding: 0.4em;">
<div style="fontsize: 1.3em; fontweight: bold">Warning!</div>
If you consider using ConTeXt for a paper with a proper formula numbering please wait until it is implemented in mkiv. At the moment only a very limited formula numbering is possilbe:
* number formula(s) with a plain number
* number formula(s) with a subnumber
Not possible is at the moment:
* Table of formulas
* Named subformulas
* Mixure of formulas and subformulas in one block
* Reference on a (sub-)formula without having it listed in the Table of formulas
For more details and actual state see mailing list and [ Summary of formula numbering problem].
Hi, I use this page to support my question regarding context and summarize the result. Once a problem is solved I will move that text into the "normal" wiki pages.
=Bug: Layoutchange inside page while duplexmode=
A both sided document in which the layout has to switch inside a page works fine with text only content, but as soon "bigger" objects (like a table) are involved the textarea get messed
up (shifted horizontally).
In the following example inner and outer margin notes are added to make it more obvious.
\dorecurse {6} {
\input tufte \par
\placetable[split][]{Big table object}
\bTR \bTD XXX \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD XXX \eTD \eTR}
\dorecurse {3} {
\input tufte \par
=Bug: Formula numbering - subnumbers and list of formulas=
==What works==
Expected formular number: (1)
Result: (1) -> '''Works'''
===align - formular [+]===
Expected formular numbers: (1) and (2)
Result: (1) and (2) -> '''Works'''
 ===align - subformular [+]=== Expected numbers: (1.a), (1.b), (1.c), (1.d) and reference on (1) and (1.b)<texcode>\startsubformulas[eq:ax=b]\placeformula\startformula \startalign\NC a \NC \eq b \NR[+]\NC c \NC \neq d \NR\NC \NC \neq f \NR[eq:sub]\NC \NC \geq g \NR[+]\NC \NC \leq h \NR[+]\NC \NC \eq i \NR\stopalign \stopformula\stopsubformulas</texcode> Result: (1.a), (1.b), (1.c), (1.d) -> '''Works'''. BUT: Every formula with a reference is automatic listed in the table of formulas (nameless) - at the moment there is no possiblity to have a reference without listing the formula. ===eqalignno - formula===
Taken from wiki and removed the subformulanumber. Expected formular numbers: (1), (2), (3) and (4):
===List of formulas===
Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1b)
===align - formula(subformulas->formulas->formula)===
Expected formular numbers: (1a) and (1a) and a reference to formular (1b)
===align - subformula===
Expected formular numbers: (1.1), (1.2) and (1.c) plus reference on (1.1) and (1.2)
===eqalignno - subformula===
Directly taken form wiki. Expected formular numbers (1), (1a), (1b) and (2):
Result: Does not compile Does as the command type{subformularnumber} is unknown -> '''Does not work.'''
==Suggestion for new syntax==
'''Open for discussion :-)'''
The needs out of existing syntax and my personal experience:
* formulas and subformulas in the same block
* referencing on a subformula does not include automaticly a entry in the list of formulas
* simple, block and eqalignno
Expected formular number: (1) and list entry (1) -> "Der einfache Test"
\placeformula[reference={one},listlabel={Der einfache Test}]
c^2 = a^2 + b^2.
Expected formular number: (1.3) and list entry (1.3) -> "Der einfache Test"
\placeformula[sublevel={.3},reference={one},listlabel={Der einfache Test}]
c^2 = a^2 + b^2.
===Block notation: NR===
No specific values -> [+] otherwise classic attribute/value [...]
Expected numbers: (1.a), nothing, (1.b), (2), (2.a), nothing and (3); with reference on (1) and (1.b); with list entries of (1) -> "System of stuff", (2.a) -> "Great piece" and (3) -> "Last part"
\placenamedformula[reference={eq:ax=b},listlabel={System of stuff}]
\startformula \startalign
\NC a \NC \eq b \NR[sublevel={.a}]
\NC c \NC \neq d \NR
\NC \NC \neq f \NR[reference={eq:sub},sublevel={.b}]
\NC \NC \geq g \NR[+]
\NC \NC \leq h \NR[listlabel={Great piece},sublevel={.a}]
\NC \NC \eq i \NR
\NC \NC \eq i \NR[listlabel={Last part}]
\stopalign \stopformula
Expected formular numbers (1), (1a), (1.c) and (2); reference on (2); list entries (1.c) -> "Yea!" and (2) -> "Ups"
c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 &\formulanumber \cr
c &= \left(a^2 + b^2\right)^{\vfrac{1}{2}} &\formulanumber[sublevel={a}]\cr
a^2 + b^2 &= c^2 &\formulanumber[sublevel={.c},listlabel={Yea!}] \cr
d^2 &= e^2 &\formulanumber[listlabel={Ups},reference={eq:ups}]\cr}
All three commands:
* \NR
* \placeformula
* \formualanumber
will share the same attributes:
* sublevel (maybe better: formulalevel or just level?)<br />to define and concrete the (sub-)level of the formula
* listlabel (maybe textlabel? the numberlabel is still needed)<br /> to add a entry in the list of formulas
* reference<br />just a classic reference in order to link to it
so that the syntax is more intuitive during writing.
Also. this way the commands:
* placesubformula
* placenamedformula
* placenamedsubformula
* startstopsubformulas
* subformulanumber
will become needless.
