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special background: Hans' example on the mailing list
\chapter{Here we go!}
===Title page with special background===
If you want the title page of every chapter to have a special background (different from the background of normal pages), here's a very effective trick that Hans has provided on the mailing list. In addition, this will give every chapter its own color scheme (Mkiv only, hence won't compile on contextgarden):
<context source=yes>
numeric MyTitlePageDone[] ;
StartPage ;
fill (topboundary Page -- cycle) enlarged(0,5mm)
shifted (0,-5mm) withcolor blue ;
StopPage ;
if unknown MyTitlePageDone.\namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{mycolor} :
StartPage ;
fill ((topboundary Page --cycle) enlarged(0,5mm)) shifted (0,-20mm)
withcolor \MPcolor{color:title:namedstructureuservariable{chapter}mycolor}} ;
StopPage ;
MyTitlePageDone.\namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{mycolor} := 1 ;
fi ;
\definecolor [color:title:one] [red]
\definecolor [color:title:two] [blue]
\startchapter[title=One][mycolor=one] \input tufte \page \input knuth \stopchapter
\startchapter[title=Two][mycolor=two] \input tufte \page \input knuth \stopchapter
