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Text replacement - "" to ""
< [[VisualsPresentations]] | [[Basics|Text formatting]] | [[Interaction]] >
You can find more about interactive form elements in [http://www.pragma-ade.comnl/general/manuals/mwidget-s.pdf Widgets uncovered]. It’s written for MkII, but still mostly valid. Most of the following examples are from the manual. =Fields= Create a field “class” with {{cmd|setupfield}}, then create single instances with {{cmd|definefield}}, finally typeset it with {{cmd|field}}. That might look complicated, but you can use the same field several times, and the contents will automatically repeat themselves if you need the same content at several places, even on different pages. (Think e.g. of name, location and date in a set of forms.)  Relevant commands:* {{cmd|setupfield}}* {{cmd|definefield|[name][type][setup name][content values][default content]}}* {{cmd|field|[name]}} Field types:* line: one line of text* text: more lines of text* radio: radiobutton (only one of a group can be active)* check: checkbox* signature: electronic signature (since 2016-03-11) ===Single fields=== Since you often need fields only once, you can define your own shortcut macros: <texcode>\setupfield[MyFieldSetup][reset,horizontal][... options ...]\define[1]\MyField{\definefield[#1][line][MyFieldSetup]\field[#1]}</texcode> ==Text Entries== <texcode>\setupfield[ShortLine][horizontal][width=2cm,height=2em]\definefield [Email] [line] [ShortLine] [] []\field [Email] [your email]</texcode> ==Checkboxes== <texcode>\setupfield[setup 3] [width=2cm, height=2cm, rulethickness=3pt, corner=round, framecolor=red] \definesymbol [yes] [{\externalfigure[mpcont.502]}]\definesymbol [no] []\definefield [checkme][check] [setup 3] [yes,no] [no]\field[checkme]</texcode> ==Radiobuttons== Example from the manual: <texcode>\setupfield [LogoSetup] [width=4cm, height=4cm, frame=off, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray] \definefield[Logos] [radio] [LogoSetup][ConTeXt,PPCHTEX,TeXUtil] [PPCHTEX] \definesubfield [ConTeXt] [] [ConTeXtLogo]\definesubfield [PPCHTEX] [] [PPCHTEXLogo]\definesubfield [TeXUtil] [] [TeXUtilLogo] \definesymbol [ConTeXtLogo] [{\externalfigure[mpcont.502]}]\definesymbol [PPCHTEXLogo] [{\externalfigure[mpcont.503]}]\definesymbol [TeXUtilLogo] [{\externalfigure[mpcont.504]}] \hbox to \hsize{\hss\field[ConTeXt]\hss\field[PPCHTEX]\hss\field[TeXUtil]\hss}</texcode> As usual, first you need to define a class of fields ({{cmd|setupfield}}). Then you define the (invisible) group of radio buttons ({{cmd|definefield}} with "radio"). At last you define the single radio buttons with {{cmd|definesubfield}}. Arguments of {{cmd|definefield}}:# field name# field type "radio"# setup class, as defined by {{cmd|setupfield}}# list of field names that should be part of the group# name of default (activated) button Arguments of {{cmd|definesubfield}}:# field name# setup class (default is inherited, but you can use a different one)# content symbol, defined by {{cmd|definesymbol}} ===Setup for questionnaire=== If you need a lot of similar radiobuttons, like in a questionnaire where you answer every question with a range choice, a meta definition makes sense. Fortunately it’s quite easy: <context source=yes>\setupinteraction[state=start]\setupfield [ChoiceSetup][width=1em,height=1em,corner=00] \definesymbol[X][X] % replace with dingbat symbol \def\Choice#1{\definefield[#1:main][radio][ChoiceSetup][#1:1,#1:2,#1:3,#1:4,#1:5,#1:0][#1:0]%\definesubfield [#1:1][][X]%\definesubfield [#1:2][][X]%\definesubfield [#1:3][][X]%\definesubfield [#1:4][][X]%\definesubfield [#1:5][][X]%\definesubfield [#1:0][][X]%\field[#1:1]\,\field[#1:2]\,\field[#1:3]\,\field[#1:4]\,\field[#1:5]\hskip1em\field[#1:0]} \def\ChoiceTitle{\hfill$-$\hskip4em$+$\hskip1.25em?\ \strut\par} \def\Question{\dosingleempty\doQuestion}% We need the "optional" parameter as reference\def\doQuestion[#1]#2{% \iffirstargument #2\dotfill\Choice{#1}\par \else #2\par \fi} \starttext \ChoiceTitle\Question[q:ctx]{How much do you love \CONTEXT?}\Question[q:lua]{How are your Lua skills?}\Question[q:xml]{How often do you dream in XML?} \stoptext</context> == Fillin fields == {{cmd|fillinfield}} is meant for clozes (texts with gaps, like in questionnaires) and defined in the {{src|m-fields.mkiv|fields}} module (i.e. you need {{cmd|usemodule|[fields]}}). <texcode>\fillinfield[name]{text that defines field length}</texcode> Disable default validation with {{cmd|setupfieldcategory|2=[fillinfield][validate=]}}, because it removes the contents from the field! There are some commands with a similar purpose in the {{src|pack-mrl.mkxl|core}} that don’t use fields: * {{cmd|fillinline}}* {{cmd|fillintext}}* {{cmd|fillinrules}}
At the moment all of the following examples are from <tt>mwidget</tt> manual. We will cook up our own later.
If you need want to check or otherwise process the input of your forms, you need JavaScript to handle interaction. For simple forms without input validation, you can skip don’t need this. '''Beware:''' JavaScript in PDFs works only in Adobe Acrobat Reader/Professional (Win/Mac only) and very few other PDF editors, e.g. [ Qoppa]’s PDF Studio (also on Linux) supports JS even in the free viewer, but used to crash on all forms created with TeX in the 2019 version, maybe this sectionis fixed now.
\goto {advance by one} [JS(increment)]
'''Beware''', in MkIV (as of 2015-04-01) the JS code is only copied to the PDF if there is a \goto referencing one of the defined functions!
You can pass values to a JS function:
== Documentation ==
JavaScript in Acrobat is different than in a web context. Documentation is even more sparse that on ConTeXt ;).
Debugging is only possible in Acrobat Pro, and also there very inconvenient.
Additionally, Acrobat’s possibilities change with every version.
* [ JavaScript documentation at Adobe’s]
* [ JavaScript API Reference for Acrobat 9]
* [ Tutorial on JS in Acrobat 11]
=Fields= Examples == === Setting a default value ===
{{Explanation}}Here we set a date field to the current date on opening the document.Additionally we have a button that can hide/show a form field.
Relevant commands:<texcode>* {{cmd|setupfield}}, {{cmd|setupfields}}\starttext* {{cmd|definefield|\setupinteraction [namestate=start][type][setup name][content values][default content]}}* {{cmd|field|[name]}}* \startJSpreamble {{cmd|fillinfield}EXAMPLE}used now* {{cmd|fillinline}}var d = new Date();* {{cmd|fillintext}}var df = this.getField("CurDate");* {{cmd|fillinrules}}df.value = util.printd("", d);
Field types:function toggleField(){* line: one line of text var f = this.getField("CurDate");* text: more lines of text f.display = ! f.display;* radio: radiobutton (only one of a group can be active)}* check: checkbox\stopJSpreamble
Beware\setupfield[shortString][reset, for fillinfields in MkIV you need {{code|horizontal][height=5mm, width=50mm, frame=off, bottomframe=on]\usemoduledefinefield[fieldsCurDate]}}!They’re meant for clozes (texts [line][shortString][][JavaScript should replace this text with gaps, like in questionnaires).the current date]
In MkIV (as of 2015-04-01) default values are always used verbatim, i.e. JS() doesn’t work.Current date: \field[CurDate]
Other fields you must first define and then use. That might look complicated, but you can use the same field several times, and the contents will automatically repeat themselves if you need the same content at several places, even on different pages.\stoptext</texcode>
==Text Entries=Setting the current date===Similar, but more usable than the example above:
\fillinfieldstarttext \setupinteraction [namestate=start\startJSpreamble {text that defines field lengthEXAMPLE}used nowfunction Dummy(){ return 0;</texcode>}
orfunction setCurrentDate(fieldname) { var f = this.getField(fieldname); f.value = util.printd("yyyy-mm-dd", new Date());}
<context source=yes>setCurrentDate("myDateField");\setupfield[ShortLine][horizontal][width=2cm]\definefield [Email] [line] [ShortLine] [] []\field [Email] [your email]</context>stopJSpreamble
\setupfield[dateString][reset,horizontal][width=5em,option=Radiobuttons==printable]\definefield[myDateField][line][dateString][][JavaScript should replace this text with the current date]
Sample from the manualCurrent date:\field[myDateField]\stoptext</texcode>
\setupfield [LogoSetup]
\definefield[Logos] [radio] [LogoSetup][ConTeXt,PPCHTEX,TeXUtil] [PPCHTEX]=Tricks and Traps=
\definesubfield [ConTeXt] [] [ConTeXtLogo]\definesubfield [PPCHTEX] [] [PPCHTEXLogo]\definesubfield [TeXUtil] [] [TeXUtilLogo]==General==
\definesymbol [ConTeXtLogo] [* Nothing happens without {{\externalfigurecmd|setupinteraction|2=[mpcont.502state=start]}]\definesymbol [PPCHTEXLogo] [}! If you need an interactive version and a plain one (e.g. for print), then you must replace your form fields with something else (e.g. {{\externalfigure[mpcontcmd|framed}}).503]}]\definesymbol Use [TeXUtilLogo] [{\externalfigure[mpcont.504Modes]}].
\hbox to \hsize{\hss\field[ConTeXt]\hss\field[PPCHTEX]\hss\field[TeXUtil]\hss}</texcode>==MkIV==
==Checkboxes==* JS code was only copied to the PDF if there was a {{cmd|goto}} referencing one of the defined functions! – This is actually a feature, you can get your JS without {{cmd|goto}}, using the magic incantation {{code|used now}}, as in the default value example. (This was fixed.)
<texcode>\setupfield[setup 3] [width=2cm* JS code for default values doesn’t work (reported 2015-04-01, height=2cm, rulethickness=3pt, corner=round, framecolor=red]still true 2015-10-07); default values are always used verbatim. (Unchecked if this is fixed.)
\definesymbol [yes] [* There is no <s>{{\externalfigure[mpcont.502]cmd|setupfields}}]\definesymbol [no] []\definefield [checkme][check] [setup 3] [yes,no] [no]\field[checkme]</texcodes>(plural)!
This helps debugging (MkII only!):
\showfields % typeset a table of field relations
\logfields % logs field descriptions to a file fields.log
* [[Midgard PC sheet]] (RPG character sheet with lots of text fields in tables)