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523 bytes added ,  01:05, 13 August 2023
< [[Visuals]] | [[Verbatim with line breaks]] >
=Displayed text=
Unlike LaTeX's <code>verbatim</code> environment, ConTeXt's <code>typing</code> environments have quite a range of built-in options for formatting the verbatim text, see below.
=In-line Inline text=
To typeset code inside the paragraph, you have the command <code>\startTEX ... \stopTEXtype</code> only works when typesetting the whole paragraph. If you need to type only a command or two as in-line text, you It can use the following be configured with <code>\setuptype[type][User:Taco|Taco's...]] macro (hopefully this will land in the core once in the future):</code>.
To have colored code, you need to use <texcodecode>\def\typeTEX {\bgroup \def\processinlineverbatim##1% {\processingverbatimtrue \localcatcodestrue \def\endofverbatimcommand{\TEXendofcommand##1}% \bgroup \aftergroup\endofverbatimcommand \futurelet\next\doprocessinlineverbatim}% \initializetyping{definetype[NAME][option=TEX}% \startverbatimcolor \processinlineverbatim\egroup }]</code> and use it with the name you chose. Other values are: <code>mp lua xml parsed-xml nested tex context</texcodecode>. An example that shows both features:
Now you can say:<context source="yes">\definetype[inlineTEX][option=TEX]
<texcode>\typeTEX+\typeTEX{\typeTEX This is a wonderful macro}+, isn't it?</texcode><context>\setupcolors[state=start]\defthe way to type code: \typeTEX type{the \bgroup \def\processinlineverbatim##1% {\processingverbatimtrue \localcatcodestrue \def\endofverbatimcommand{\TEXendofcommand##1}% \bgroup \aftergroup\endofverbatimcommand \futurelet\next\doprocessinlineverbatim}% \initializetyping{TEX}% \startverbatimcolor \processinlineverbatimConTeXt\egroup command}.
And this is the way to have colored code: \typeTEX+inlineTEX{the \typeTEX{ConTeXt\typeTEX is a wonderful macrocommand}+, isn't it?
SourceYou can also refer to a TeX command with: [{{cmd|tex}}<tt>{a tex command}</threadtt><context source="yes">\tex{a tex command}</20050907.093522.baf795f5.en.html]context>
= Making a tight vertical fit =
= Verbatim with line breaks=
[[Verbatim with line breaks|Dedicated page]]
[[Line breaks marker]]
= Pretty printing =
== Included Formatters ==
There are already some formatters for several programming languages in
the ConTeXt distributionrdistribution. The following list is for MkII and MkIV.
of input and produces tex output. The details about this are discussed
at [[Custom_pretty_printer]].
== Improved pretty printing ==
Default ConTeXt comment handling can be shown in the following sample:
<context source="yes">
This is text. % and this is a comment
<p>This is text.<!--and this is a comment--></p>
if code=="code" then --this is a comment
this is a
multiline comment
but this isn’t a
multiline comment
If you want to improve Lua multiline comments and to color the whole comments (not only the comment marker), write <code>\usemodule[scite]</code> before <code>\starttext</code>. (I cannot show it here, since ConTeXt at the wiki seems to have a problem with that.)
= Tabbing =
% XML code will be typeset with the palette you just defined
\definepalet[XMLcolorpretty] [MYcolors] % the name is magic !- mkii only
This results in:
\definecolor[MYcolorone] [r=.8,g=.5,b=.5]
% \definepalet[XMLcolorpretty] [MYcolors] % the name is magic !
== Syntax highlighting source code or configuration files ==
see [[Verbatim_with_LuaTeX]] with Python, Apache httpd.conf and zc.buildout config files examples.
= Colored background =
This is the first line
This is the first line
(-a- --> [[User:Andrea]])
