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491 bytes added ,  21:55, 4 August 2006
simply do this by adding <tt>\setupTABLE[split=yes]</tt> to your TABLE
definition. An other way is to define it right at the TABLE start
by adding the parameter <tt>[split=yes]</tt> (as in the see example).
The In this case the <b>table head</b>(all between <ttcmd>\bTABLEhead</ttcmd> and <ttcmd>\eTABLEhead</ttcmd>)is printed only once at the beginning of the table. But if you use <tt>[split=repeat]</tt>,it is printed on top of every new page , that contains parts of
your multipage table. Please take account of the fact, that the
head cells are enclosed by <cmd>bTH</cmd> and <cmd>eTH</cmd> (and not \[be]TC).
In case If you want to use alternate an alternative table headersheader for all following pages,you can do this by defining an additonal additional header. Just add the second headerbetween <ttcmd>\bTABLEnext</ttcmd>...<ttcmd>\eTABLEnext</ttcmd>,
right after your normal head definition.
Now every additional page of the multipage table starts with anthealternating <b>next table head</b>.
The <b>table footer </b> is defined declared between <ttcmd>\bTABLEfoot</ttcmd> and<ttcmd>\eTABLEfoot</ttcmd>. (Todo: footer, make It defines the concluding row of your natural table. The following standalone example deals with all the mentioned aspects of natural tables.Just <i>copy&paste</i> it as a working starting example for try-out)further experiments...
\bTABLEstarttext \setupcolors[splitstate=yesstart] %setup for all cells\setupTABLE[r][each][style=\tfx\it, align=center] % here starts the definition of the setup table head\setupTABLE[r][first] [background=color, backgroundcolor=yellow]% IMPORTANT: use setup table footer\eTH ... setupTABLE[r][last] [style=bold, background=color, backgroundcolor=green] \eTH to enclose the bTABLE[split=repeat,option=stretch]% head cellson every page, stretch columns
% IMPORTANT: use \eTH ... \eTH to enclose the head|next cells
\bTH _your_table_head_ column 1 head1 \eTH \bTH _your_table_head_ column 2 head2 \eTH \bTH _your_table_head_ column 3 head3 \eTH
\bTABLEnext % setup for next table head
\bTR [background=color,backgroundcolor=cyan]
\bTH next1 \eTH
\bTH next2 \eTH
\bTH next3 \eTH
% the table body (main part)
\dorecurse{100}{% 100 rows
\bTC _your_table_body_ row 1, column 1 body body body body body \eTC \bTC _your_table_body_ row 1, column 2 body body body body body \eTC \bTC _your_table_body_ row 1, column 3 \eTC\eTR%...%... (the rest of your multipage table)%...\bTR \bTC _your_table_body_ row n, column 1 \eTC \bTC _your_table_body_ row n, column 2 \eTC \bTC _your_table_body_ row n, column 3 body body body body body \eTC
% the table foot
\bTC _your_table_foot_ column 1 foot1 \eTC \bTC _your_table_foot_ column 2 foot2 \eTC \bTC _your_table_foot_ column 3 foot3 \eTC
