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Big thanks to everyone on the ConTeXt users' mailing list for helping me out with this! The least I can do is make it publicly available.
--[[User:Hook|Hook]] 1920:0351, 6 April 2008 (CEST)
== ChangeLog ==
2008-04-06 - initial submition
2008-04-06 - (later in the same evening) implemented a fix for legal acts so it displays the long form (without the paragraph info) the first time and in all other occurrences only the abbrevated forms (with the paragraph info).
== TODO ==
What it misses the most right now is to get the citation rules for (various) court decisions and \placepublications in a more elegant solution way to display separately cited works from the bibliography in different blocks by their type (automaticallye.g. t=zakon) show cited legal acts in the long form only the first time and in later citing in the shorter forminside these blocks by alphabet. I may change the fonts and layout a bit as well. But that's low priority.
== Environment ==
%moja adaptacija le-tega še za zakone
%TODO velika pomoč: Aditya Mahajan%opomba ne najdem kako bi ko prvič citiral z vsemi info in šele kasneje vedno samo z okrajšavo% možna rešitev bi bilacitiraš, napiše dolgo obliko, da bi tu definiral vse info in nato vsakič samo uporabljal \footnote za krajšeampak brez člena (kot po definiciji fakulteta). Pazi!
\getcitedata[title][#2] to \localtitle
\getcitedata[kratko][#2] to \localkratko
\getcitedata[journal][#2] to \localjournal
\getcitedata[issue][#2] to \localissue
\getcitedata[volume][#2] to \localvolume
\getcitedata[spremembe][#2] to \localspremembe
\footnote{\localtitle\ (\localkratko), \localjournal, št. \localissue/\localvolume\ \localspremembe.}%
%TODO — najdi boljši način za določit vrstni red v Literaturi (npr. po tipih in znotraj teh abecedi)
numbering=yes,% autohang=yesno,
%TODO — prenesi vse kar se le da iz glavnega dokumenta sem
== Sample document ==
Here's a sample document (with text) comments on how to use it.(and fill-in texts)
% \input knuth
tuki citiram, veš?
ena Galičeva objava v ZZR \clanek[][galic_vloga] \crlf
Nek drug zakon\zakon[][ZPP-UPB3] in je prav\zakon[7. člen][ZPP-UPB3] tako relevanten\zakon[103. člen][ZPP-UPB3] pa spet članek v zborniku \zbornik[][raz_purity] pa še zakon\zakon[33. člen][SPZ] še enkrat isti zakon\zakon[12. člen][SPZ]  
\yearfiled{2003}\monthfiled{1}\dayfiled{1} % datum začetka veljave %%% TODO — boljšo definicijo
\title{Zakon o pravdnem postopku (uradno prečiščeno besedilo)}
\engtitle{Civil Procedure Act (consolidated text)}
\organization{Državni zbor RS}
\journal{Ur. l. RS}
\pubyear{2007}\month{8}\day{13}% datum objave
\yearfiled{}\monthfiled{}\dayfiled{} % datum začetka veljave %%% TODO — boljšo definicijo
