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4,043 bytes added ,  19:53, 10 March 2018
reverse numbering
< [[Structurals]]| [[Description]] >
= Overview of commands =
The <{{cmd>|startitemize</cmd> }} command takes optional parameters (see the documentation of <{{cmd>|startitemgroup</cmd> }} for a complete list), for example a number conversion may be given, with the following predefined types:
It is also possible to define your own number conversions; see [[User-Defined Enumerations]]. If you have loaded the [[Chinese]] module, you can also use <tt>c</tt> (and some more) for Chinese numbers.
When the selected language is Slovenian or Spanish, items are numbered using their proper alphabets (the Slovenian enumeration includes č, š and ž; the Spanish enumeration includes ñ). You can change to the international enumeration with <code>alphabetic</code>, <code>Alphabetic</code>.
Additional parameters include
* <tt>continue</tt> (start where the previous itemization was finished, to allow text injections),
* <tt>reverse</tt> (numbers the items in reverse, i.e. descending, order),
* <tt>packed</tt> (less vertical space between items),
* <tt>inmargin</tt> (place enumeration symbols into the margin), and
== \setupitemize ==
To change the general layout of enumerations, there is <{{cmd>|setupitemize</cmd>}}. It accepts an integer as its first parameter to denote for which level of itemization the subsequent settings should apply.
You will find more about <{{cmd>|setupitemize</}} at {{cmd> at <|setupitemgroup}} and {{cmd>|defineitemgroup</cmd>}}.
== \defineitemgroup ==
For finer control, it is advisable to create new types of itemization, using the command <{{cmd>|defineitemgroup</cmd> (which unfortunately seems undocumented)}}. For example:
= Customization details and examples =
==LabelsManual labels==
|Irregular item types can be inserted via [[{{cmd|sym}}:sym|<tt>\sym{#1}</tt>]] []:
== Spacing Expanded subnumbers == To specify that item numbers should also be leading numbers in any subitemizations, use the {{code|repeat}} keyword. <context source=yes>% Indentation is a bit odd; cannot reproduce off-wiki. \setupitemgroup[itemize][1][n,repeat]\setupitemgroup[itemize][2][a,repeat]\setupitemgroup[itemize][3][n] This is our item list: \startitemize \item ... % 1 \startitemize \item ... % 1.a \startitemize \item ... % 1.a.1 \stopitemize \item ... % 1.b \startitemize \item ... % 1.b.1 \item ... % 1.b.2 \stopitemize \stopitemize \item ... % 1\stopitemize</context> To add change the separator mark, you have to setup the {{code|numberseparatorset}} key of the {{code|itemgroup:itemize}} counter. This example removes the separator mark entirely. <context source=yes mode=mkiv>\setupitemgroup[itemize][1][n,repeat][width=1em]\setupitemgroup[itemize][2][a,repeat][width=2em]\setupitemgroup[itemize][3][n] [width=3em] \defineseparatorset[none][][] \setupcounter[itemgroup:itemize][numberseparatorset=none]\startitemize \item ... % 1 \startitemize \item ... % 1a \startitemize \item ... % 1a1 \stopitemize \stopitemize\stopitemize</context> == Vertical spacing ==
This is the way how you can set spacing before and after itemize when working with
{\bf joinedup:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \par{\bf joinedup,nowhite:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \column{\bf joinedup,nowhite,before:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,before] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \par{\bf joinedup,nowhite,after:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,after] \item test \item test \stopitemize after
It is also (at least in mkiv) possible to do
Text before
\item test
\item test
Text after
to control the vertical space.
To prevent an unwanted pagebreak before the list, there is an <tt>intro</tt> parameter :
The following list is on the same page as this paragraph :
\startitem foo \stopitem
\startitem bar \stopitem
==Horizontal spacing==
! width="45%"|
! width="10%"|
! width="45%"|
|To control the space between the item symbol (bullet) and the item text
you can use eather the broad option
\startitemize[n*broad] %replace n with a number (e.g "3").
\item Test
or you can use absolute values (for fine tuning):
\item Test
\item Using width=1em,distance=0pt
\item {\bf Default} (no arguments)
\item Using 1*broad
\item Using 2*broad
\item one
\item two
And the text continues after the list
From a discussion on the mailing list, the following was suggested (note that you have to enclose your items in <cmd>startitem</cmd> and <cmd>stopitem</cmd>, using <cmd>item</cmd> only does not work):
! width="35%"|
! width="5%"|
! width="60%"|
| <texcode>
Some previous sentence before the list
\startitem first \stopitem
\startitem second \stopitem
\startitem third \stopitem
\startitem fourth \stopitem
\startitem fifth \stopitem
\startitem sixth \stopitem
And the text continues after the list
Some previous sentence before the list
\startitem first \stopitem
\startitem second \stopitem
\startitem third \stopitem
\startitem fourth \stopitem
=Further Reading=
* [[\startitemize]]
* The source: {{src|strc-itm.mkvi}}
* [[Description]] (definition lists)
