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1,499 bytes added ,  18:54, 7 September 2021
< [[Graphics]]

How to create barcodes from within ConTeXt (MkIV/LMTX)?

== Zint module ==

* Download `zint` from (Windows, Linux) or install it with [ Homebrew] or [ MacPorts] (MacOS).
* MkIV: The `zint` executable must be in your `PATH`.
* LMTX: Copy or symlink the zint library into `$TEXROOT/tex/texmf-$ARCH/bin/lib/luametatex/zint` (you must create that path); on Windows, this is `libzint.dll`, on Linux and MacOS `` (on MacOS the actual file name is `libzint.dylib`, but LuaMetaTeX expects `.so`). Then run `mtxrun --generate` to update the file database.

\barcode[alternative=isbn, text=9783865419026, width=4cm]
\barcode[alternative=qr code, text={}, width=3cm]

Zint can produce about 40 different code types (“alternatives“). Try the [ name] (but lowercase with spaces) or look into the {{src|libs-imp-zint.lua|source}}

== Barcodes module ==

The old module uses PStricks and is deprecated. ({{src|m-barcodes.mkiv|Source}})

== barcode.lua ==

In 2012, user topskip published a small LuaTeX library on [ Stack Exchange]. It can only create EAN codes.

