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Changes Evolution

Revision as of 08:12, 11 October 2019 by AKielhorn (talk | contribs) (Some documents need to evolve, here is a simple way to track the changes.)
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)

< Sample documents

Some documents need to evolve. Laws change, a client changes their mind. While working on a project I like to see the changes but when the project is finished I only need the final document.

The following document creates both documents from a single source. It offers two change histories, one by version number and one by date. In a normal document you would probably only use one.

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

% Copyright 2018 - 2019 Axel Kielhorn
% Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Unported

% Enable to print changes, disable for final document

\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
\setuplayout    [width=middle,  backspace=1.5in, cutspace=1.5in,
                 height=middle, topspace=0.75in, bottomspace=0.75in]


% Colo[u]rs

% Register for version
\defineregister [changev]
\setupregister  [changev] [
  indicator=no          %% no letter
      style=sansbold,   %% headings
  textstyle=slanted,    %% entries
  pagestyle=bolditalic, %% page refs
          n=1,          %% columns

% Register for date
\defineregister [changed]
\setupregister  [changed] [
  indicator=no          %% no letter
      style=sansbold,   %% headings
  textstyle=slanted,    %% entries
  pagestyle=bolditalic, %% page refs
          n=1,          %% columns

% Change marker and short version for register
% by version number
    \doifmode{change}{\inmargin{\tx #1}{\ChcC #2\par}}}
% by date
    \doifmode{change}{\inmargin{\tx #1}{\ChcC #2\par}}}

% Inline change
\def\Changer#1{{\doifmode{change}{\ChrC #1}}}		% removed
\def\Changea#1{{\doifmode{change}{\ChaC}#1}}		% added
\def\Changec#1#2{{\doifmode{change}{\ChrC #1\ChaC}#2}}	% changed

% Paragraph added
% Paragraph removed

This is the initial document without version number.

\ChangeV{V. 1.0}{First release}
This is the first released version.

\ChangeV{V. 2.0}{Source added}
\input knuth

\ChangeD{2019-10-10}{ConTeXt Wiki release}
This paragraph was added or the Wiki release.

\ChangeD{2019-10-11}{Translation improved}

Beware of \Changec{tyops}{typos}.

\ChangeV{V. 2.0}{Global colo[u]rs}
There are now three colo[u]rs \type{ChrC} and \type{ChaC} to 
mark removed and added text and \type{ChcC} for the comments.

\ChangeV{V. 3.0}{Obsolete syntax}
The commands \type{\ChangePA} (Paragraph added) and 
\type{\ChangePR}(Paragraph removed) mark changed paragraphs.

Added paragraphs are marked by \type{\startChangePA} and \type{\stopChangePA}, removed paragraphs by \type{\startChangePR} and \type{\stopChangePR}
Information about the change must be added with \type{ChangeV} or \type{ChangeD} commands.


By version nummer:


By date:

