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1,541 bytes added ,  12:30, 20 August 2020
Created page with "Documentation for \<i>mathunstacked</i>"
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!-- this file was generated on 2020-08-20T09:05 -->
<cd:commandgroup generated="yes" name="mathunstacked" xmlns:cd="">
<!-- a short command summary goes here -->
The instances of <tt>\<i>mathunstacked</i></tt> are used for ...
<cd:variable value="mathunstacked"></cd:variable>
<cd:command category="mathematics" file="math-stc.mkvi" generated="yes" interfacedate="2020-07-14T09:24" interfacefile="i-mathstackers.xml" level="document" name="mathunstacked" variant="example" variantnumber="1">
<!-- the long description of the command goes here -->
<!-- command example(s)
<cd:example title="">
<!-- this is for special remarks that do not fit elsewhere, like discovered bugs in specific context versions
<cd:note author="..." date="...">
<!-- one or more of these:
<cd:commandref name="xx"></cd:commandref>
<cd:wikipage page="xx"></cd:wikipage>
<cd:url url="https://xx"></cd:url>
<cd:manual pdf="xx"></cd:manual>
<cd:source file="xx"></cd:source>
<cd:commandref name="definemathunstacked" originator="system"></cd:commandref>
<cd:source file="math-stc.mkvi" originator="system"></cd:source>
<cd:wikipage originator="system" page="Category:Mathematics"></cd:wikipage>