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\usemodule[fields, abr-pseudocaps]



A few years back, \TEX\ could only produce

\fillinfield [dvi]{\DVI} output,

but nowadays, thanks to \fillinfield {Han The Thanh},

we can also directly produce \fillinfield [pdf] {\PDF}!

Nice eh? Actually, while the first field module was prototyped

in \ACROBAT, the current implementation was debugged in

\fillinfield [pdfTeX] {\PDFTEX}. Field support in \fillinfield

[ConTeXt] {\CONTEXT} is rather advanced and complete and all

kind of fields are supported. One can hook in appearances, and

validation \fillinfield [JavaScripts] {\JAVASCRIPT}’s. Fields

can be cloned and copied, where the latter saves some space. By

using \fillinfield {objects} when suited, this module saves

space anyway.


See also