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[...] text margin edge
state normal stop start empty high none nomarking name
strut yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
rightstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftwidth dimension
Limit the text inside the header to a certain dimension. Setting this value may interfere with any additional \delimitatetext or \doboundtext performed inside the headers
rightwidth dimension
before command
after command


The different states and their effects:

start, stop switch headings on and off
none switch off for whole chapter
empty no heading on the first chapter page
high no heading on the first chapter page + expand textarea about space occupied by heading. Strangely this also affects the footer in that it allows the text to lap into the footer area as well. I don't quite understand why this happens.
text some 'text' defined by



which is valid on the first chapter page


See also


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