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small fix
<cd:description>{{cmd|setupinterlinespace}} sets up the distance between lines. can be used in three variants:
* Without any keywords: <texcode>\setupinterlinespace</texcode> The command sets the baselineskip to the default value of <code>2.8ex</code>.Use this after changing the font size.
* With a keyword: <texcode>\setupinterlinespace[KEYWORD]</texcode> The following keywords are available:
A final note:
It seems that `\setupinterlinespace[line=XX\baselineskip]` interacts badly with {{cmd|setuplayout}} while `\setupinterlinespace[big]` works fine.
<cd:examples><cd:example title="Call &lt;code&gt;\setupinterlinespace&lt;/code&gt; after a font change"><context source="yes">
{ \definedfont[Serif at 12pt]
Invoking setupinterlinespace sets baselineskip to 2.8ex of current font\crlf
<cd:notes><cd:note author="Hraban" date="2024-04-01T19:46:18+0200">It seems that `\setupinterlinespace[line=XX\baselineskip]` interacts badly with {{cmd|setuplayout}} while `\setupinterlinespace[big]` works fine. </cd:note></cd:notes>
<cd:commandref name="defineinterlinespace" originator="system"></cd:commandref>