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Syntax (autogenerated)


headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
sample text
width dimension default: broad
sample dimension default: \hskip4em
MkII: location
MkIV: alternative
...=... see \setupdescriptions


\tab (a description created with \definedescription[tab]) starts an indented paragraph with a word or two (the 'key') in front of it. \setuptab configures styles and dimensions for \tab. By default, it leaves 4em for the key and 2em of space between the key area and the paragraph, the latter thanks to width=broad. width=fit leaves no space in between. In mkiv, width=fit leaves 1em of space between the key space and the paragraph; this is probably a bug.


  • \def\ruler{%
            \blackrule[width={\dimexpr1em-0.5pt}, height=0.5pt]%
            \blackrule[width=0.5pt, height=1ex]%
         They might have called Sunday the super-man. If any such creature
         be conceivable, he looked, indeed, somewhat like it, with his
         earth-shaking abstraction, as of a stone statue walking.
    (The ruler is marked in ems. 
    The quotation is from G.K. Chesterton's {\em The Man who was Thursday}.)
    \ruler \par
    \setuptab[width=broad, sample={\blackrule[width=2em]}, headstyle=slanted]
    \tab{\blackrule[width=2em]} (Sample of 2em wide, broad width.) \testpara \par
    \ruler \par
    \setuptab[width=broad, sample={\blackrule[width=4em]}, headstyle=slanted]
    \tab{\blackrule[width=4em]} (Sample of 4em wide, broad width.) \testpara \par
    \ruler \par
    \setuptab[width=fit, sample={\blackrule[width=2em]}, headstyle=slanted]
    \tab{\blackrule[width=2em]} (Sample of 2em wide, fit width.) \testpara \par
    \ruler \par
    \setuptab[width=3em, sample={thisisaverylongsample}, headstyle=slanted]
    \tab{\blackrule[width=3em]} (Exact width of 3em overrides long sample.) \testpara \par

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