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The command \showpalet is used to display color palettes


[...,...]horizontal vertical number value name

horizontal horizontal display
vertical vertical display
number print color 'numbers' (actually, the quark name to which the color gets assigned (Hans happened to be reading S. Hawking's A hort history of time at the time of implementing color palettes).)
value print rgb values
name print palette name


Colors can be grouped in palettes. The colors in such a palette can have colorful names, but best is to use names that specify their use, like important or danger. ConTeXt has some palettes predefined and \showpalet is used to graphically display colors being used in a particular palette.


Example 1

\showpalet [alfa] [vertical,name,number]

Example 2

\showpalet [beta] [horizontal,name,number]
\showpalet [gamma] [horizontal,name]
\showpalet [delta] [horizontal,name]
\showpalet [epsilon] [horizontal,name]
\showpalet [zeta] [horizontal,name,value]


See also

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