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\startformula ... \stopformula


The environment \startformula ... \stopformula is used for displayed mathematical material


\startformula[...,...] ... \stopformula
[...,...]packed tight middle frame depth line halfline -line -halfline inherits from \setupbodyfont

Settings assignment

\startformula[...=...,...] ... \stopformula
optionpacked tight middle frame depth line halfline -line -halfline see \setupbodyfont
marginyes no standard dimension
gridsee \snaptogrid


The contents of this environment are typeset in mathematical mode. The environment as a whole can also be used as an argument of and immediately preceding \placeformula, in which case the typeset result can be numbered and referenced.


Example 1

This is the first mathematical formula
   \sin^2(t)^2 + \cos^2(t) = 1.

This is another formula
   \cos^2(t) = \frac{1}{1+\tan^2(t)}.
As one may see from relation~(\in[eqn:tangent]), $\cos(t)$ and
$\sin(t)$ can be determined by $\tan(t)$\dots

This is the third formula
    |a+b|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2
Clearly equality (\in[Pythagora]) holds for $a,b \in {\Bbb R}^n$
if and only if $(a|b) =0$, where the scalar product
$(\cdot|\cdot)$ on ${\Bbb R}^n$ is defined to be
   (a|b) := a\cdot b =\sum_{j=1}^{n}a_jb_j, \qquad |a|^2 := (a|a).
(Note that the above equation is {\it not\/} numbered).


See also

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