Command old/setuptolerance

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[...,...]horizontal vertical verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant space stretch


Set up how tolerant TeX should be of ‘ugly’ stretching of spaces. The more stretching you allow, the easier it is for TeX to choose a stretched-out underfull line instead of a margin-invading overfull line.

Use \setuptolerance[horizontal,...] for interword spacing and \setuptolerance[vertical,...] for column stretching. Don't try to combine these two.

The default orientation is horizontal, so the following two are equivalent:

% and

In horizontal orientation the keywords have the following effect:

stretch: make \emergencystretch equal to \bodyfontsize (i.e. 11pt), default is 0pt
space: \spaceskip .5em plus .25em minus .25em
verystrict: \tolerance 200
strict: \tolerance 1500
tolerant: \tolerance 3000
verytolerant: \tolerance 4500

In vertical orientation the keywords define a factor bottomtolerance which is only used(?) in columns. The factors are:

verystrict: 0
strict: 0.050
tolerant: 0.075
verytolerant: 0.100


See also

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