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< Installation | ConTeXt Minimals/Tree | ConTeXt Minimals/Structure | ConTeXt Minimals/Implementation | ConTeXt Minimals/TODO | ConTeXt Minimals/Contents >

The ConTeXt Minimal is a complete, up-to-date ConTeXt distribution which can be upgraded efficiently. It can be used to install either the stable or the beta version of ConTeXt. It can also be used in parallel with existing TeX installtions such as MikTeX, TeXLive, or older minimal installation. It is aimed towards ConTeXt users, so it does not include LaTeX specific packages and binaries.

NOTE: ConTeXt develops at a fast pace, and sometimes beta releases have serious bugs. ConTeXt minimals allow you to test the latest ConTeXt release without having to worry if an upgrade will mess an critical project. You can have two (or multiple) parallel ConTeXt minimals, and freeze one for your critical projects, and use the other one for experimenting.

General Information

Supported platforms

Platform short name Binarties from Notes
Windows mswin Akira Kakuto (W32TeX)
Linux linux compiled with glibc 2.3.6
Linux, 64-bit linux-64 Peter Münster Should be renamed to linux-amd64
Linux, PowerPC linux-ppc Piotr Kopszak
Mac OS X, Intel osx-intel Mojca Miklavec
Mac OS X, PowerPC osx-ppc Mojca Miklavec
Mac OS X, Universal Binaries osx-universal Mojca Miklavec
FreeBSD freebsd Yue Wang, Diego Depaoli Should be renamed to freebsd-intel
FreeBSD, AMD64 freebsd-amd64 Michael Krauß
Solaris, Intel solaris-intel Michael Krauß
Solaris, Sparc solaris-sparc Vladimir Volovich compiled on solaris 8

We need volunteers for providing binaries for other platforms. If you want to support a platform, please write to ConTeXt Mailing Lists


  • Ruby 1.8
  • Rsync (The windows binary of rsync are distributed with the minimals)

Disc space required

ConTeXt macro files are small (less than 10MB), but the minimals comes with various free fonts which considerable increase the size of the distribution to around 200MB).

Installation and use on Unix like platforms (Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris)


Select a folder where you want to install ConTeXt. For a single user installation, you can use your $HOME/context directory. For a multi-user installation, in Linux you can use /opt/code; in Mac you can use .... Note that, at present, while using MKIV, you need to have write permissions in the installation directory. In order to install the minimals, ownload, and place it in your installation directory. Then open a terminal, go to the installation directory, and run

 sh ./

This takes a long time, so go have a coffee.

Usage: permanent

(For those who mostly use ConTeXt and [almost] never LaTeX.)

Put the following line to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:

source ~/context/tex/setuptex ~/context/tex

(t)csh users can use the variant:

source ~/context/tex/setuptex.csh

In theory it should already suffice to add export PATH=~/context/tex/texmf-<platform>/bin:$PATH.

Usage: temporary

(For those who often use LaTeX, but need the latest ConTeXt every now and then.)

Just type

. ~/context/tex/setuptex ~/context/tex

to switch from system-wide TeX distribution to the minimals inside current shell.


For now just run ./ again. This will change - the name is not most self-explanatory at the moment. In theory

mtxrun --script update

should work, but it has not been tested yet.


Just remove the folder (distribution did not touch anything else):

rm -rf ~/context

Remaking formats

Thi is optional: only if you need to remake formats for some unexpected reason or use another interface (for example the German one):

texexec --make --all en de
texexec --make --xtx --all en de
luatools --generate
context --make en de

Installation and usage on Mac

TODO: Merge details from ConTeXt Minimals/Mac Installation (See: To-Do List)

Installation and usage on Windows

Installation: global & GUI

(For those who don't need MikTeX/TeX Live and prefer Graphical user interface.)

Download and run the GUI installer (made by Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky).

Slides from author's presentation can be downloaded here.

Use standard windows tool for uninstalling the application.

Installation: local & command-line

(For those who need MikTeX/TeX Live and are comfortable with command-line.)

Download and unzip

Run first-setup.bat, go for a coffee.

Before being able to use ConTeXt you need to run setuptex.bat to initialize the environment. A simple way to do it is to create a file startcontext.bat (use any name) somewhere in PATH and put this line into it

C:\Programs\context\tex\setuptex.bat C:\Programs\context\tex

Then, you can type startcontext into CMD whenever you want to use ConTeXt Minimals instead of MikTeX.

Another method is to create a shortcut to cmd.exe and edit the command line to read

C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /k C:\Programs\context\tex\setuptex.bat C:\Programs\context\tex

This starts up a new command shell with the environment pre-loaded.

For uninstalling just delete the folder with minimals.


  • rsync sometimes has problems with paths with uppercase letters (like c:\Temp or c:\Documents and Settings). Installing into all-lowercase paths without spaces sometimes helps.
  • If you're behind firewall and rsync times out you need to open port 873 for outgoing TCP connections.


The minimals contain:

  • ConTeXt: current, beta + some older releases
  • Fonts: most important TeX-aware ones
  • Binaries: latest version of pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, Metapost
  • Formats (need to be generated by user) for
    • ConTeXt, mptopdf and plain TeX for pdfTeX/XeTeX/LuaTeX
    • metafun and plain for Metapost

See ConTeXt Minimals/Contents.


What to install

  • --platform=name-of-platform (see supported platforms; default: the one we are working on)
  • --engines=list-of-engines (options: luatex, xetex, pdftex, all; default: all)
  • --context=version (options: current, beta, alpha,; default: beta)

What to do

  • --force (as opposed to --dryrun; do the real thing; this is needed) needs to be fixed
  • --update (update minimal tree)
  • --make (make formats and generate file databases)
  • --state (update tree using saved state) needs to be implemented/fixed
  • --keep (as apposed to --delete; don't delete unused or obsolete files) needs to be improved

Where to install

  • --texroot=path (installation path; default: tex)

Rsync Server

(currently there's only one anyway)

  • --server=repository-url (default: rsync://
  • --module=string (default: minimals)
  • --rsync=name-of-rsync-binary (default: rsync) Why do we need this?

See also ConTeXt Minimals/Implementation. Catergory:Minimals