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< Sample documents | MetaPost >


   StartPage ;
     fill Page withcolor .5green ;
     path p ; p := unitcircle randomized .1 xsized(PaperWidth-1cm) ;
     fill p shifted -center p shifted center Page  withcolor red ;
   StopPage ;




  \vfill \definedfont[SerifBold at 48pt]\setstrut \strut Penguins in Vietnam
  \blank[2*big] \definedfont[SerifBold at 24pt]\setstrut \strut A Very Short Story


\input tufte


Reference to mailing list

Another title page





%         {\setuptyping[before=,after=]\typebuffer[title]}}}






Guess who did this one :-) Reference to mailing list


A simple centered cover for a booklet



  pagestate=start]% we want to number this

{\bfc This should be the long title, Andreas' solution\par}


This is the colofon


\input knuth



Or, another solution (which can be tuned at will), which relies on a new feature in MkIV: there is also a layout with the same name as the makeup environment and you can control the margins of your new title page environment with \setuplayout[makeupname][...].




[backspace=2cm,width=108mm] % 148mm is the width, 20 mm of backspace,
                            % 20 mm of outer margin


 \bfc This should be the long, long, very long title\par

This is the colofon

\chapter{Start here on page 3}

\dorecurse{20}{\input tufte\par}


Scaled Full Page Image 1

An elegant option is to extend the makeup mechanism to accept the background key:

   \to \t_page_makeup_every_setup

Then you can use


      [{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=\overlaywidth, height=\overlayheight]}]





Scaled Full Page Image 2

Another way to use a full-page image includes:

    \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]

Simple example with MetaFun (2019)


\setupbodyfont [palatino]

\definecolor [Top] [h=a5b291]
\definecolor [Bottom] [h=b7c1a7]
\definecolor [TitleColor] [h=96433a]




    StartPage ;

    numeric w ; w := bbwidth(Page) ;
    numeric h ; h := bbheight(Page) ;

    fill (unitsquare xyscaled (w,.8h)) withcolor \MPcolor{Bottom} ;
    fill (unitsquare xyscaled (w,.2h) yshifted .8h) withcolor \MPcolor{Top} ;
    draw (0,.8h) -- (w,.8h) withpen pensquare scaled 2pt withcolor white ;

    draw textext.rt("\definedfont[Serif at 10pt]Author") shifted (.1w,.95h) ;
    draw textext.rt("\titlefont{Serif at 24pt} Cover Page Title") shifted (.1w,.85h) withcolor \MPcolor{TitleColor} ;
    draw textext.rt("\titlefont{SerifBold at 10pt} Subhead Title") shifted (.1w,.75h) withcolor \MPcolor{TitleColor} ;
    draw textext.rt("\titlefont{SerifBold at 10pt} Another subhead") shifted (.1w,.70h) ;

%    picture p; p := externalfigure "matterhorn.png" ;
%    draw p scaled (w/bbwidth p) ;

    StopPage ;

