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Font Goodies

Revision as of 14:30, 1 February 2021 by Jano Kula (talk | contribs) (font coloring example)

For detailed explanation of font goodies read fonts-mkiv.pdf manual.

Here are some examples of font goodies usage.

Font Coloring

This a simplified example of goodies-002.tex from Test suite (goodie file of the test is demo.lfg in the distribution).

Create a goodie file *.lfg, for example:

-- name the file fontcolor-greek.lfg
return {
    name = "fontcolor-greek",
    comment = "An example font coloring.",
    colorschemes = {
        default = {
            [1] = {
                "0x0370:0x03FF", "0x01F40:0x01FD6"

where "0x0370:0x03FF" and "0x01F40:0x01FD6" are unicode blocks for greek and antient greek. You can also list single character or the adobename of the character from char-def.lua.



    \start\resetfontcolorscheme    from ὀρφανῖος, thus\stop\par
    \start\setfontcolorscheme  [1] from ὀρφανῖος, thus\stop\par
    \start\setfontcolorscheme  [2] from ὀρφανῖος, thus\stop\par
    \start\setfontcolorscheme  [3] from ὀρφανῖος, thus\stop\par
    \start\resetfontcolorscheme    from ὀρφανῖος, thus\stop\par