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fixes for m-gnuplot
* etc
it needs some thinking but i thing that it is possible
== What has to be fixed in m-gnuplot.tex ==
* Is it possible to get rid of "^M" at the end of lines
* Add
\defineGNUPLOThandle{eps}{postscript eps color}{eps}{texmfstart newpstopdf \GNUPLOTfile.eps}{\GNUPLOTfile.pdf}
* [Urgently] remove <code>start</code> from
{\executesystemcommand{start /MIN pgnuplot \GNUPLOTfile.gpd}}
:No need for /MIN and possibly use gnuplot instead of pgnuplot
* perhaps some <code>--iftouched</code> switches
== What has to be added to m-gnuplot.tex to support ConTeXt terminal ==