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441 bytes added ,  01:07, 4 August 2005
Added real examples to processing comma-separated lists.
\IHaveTo{tidy up}{Monday}
Will This will print out: <context>\def\IHaveTo#1#2{I have to #1 on #2.\par}\IHaveTo{tidy up on }{Monday.}</context>
But sometimes you have to repeat some task more than once. In this case you can define a new command:
\MyMumOrderedMeTo[Monday,Wednesday,Saturday]{tidy up}
will spare you some typing <i>(however but not some tidying up!)</i>: <context>\def\IHaveTo#1#2{I have to #1 on #2.\par}\def\MyMumOrderedMeTo[#1]#2% {\processcommalist[#1]{\IHaveTo{#2}}}\MyMumOrderedMeTo[Monday,Wednesday,Saturday]{tidy up}</context>
I have to tidy up on Monday.
I have to tidy up on Wednesday.
I have to tidy up on Saturday.
In case a command <tt>\IHaveTo</tt> is already defined in a slightly different way:
This, again, produces:
\def\IHaveTo[#1]#2{I have to #2 on #1.\par}
\MyMumOrderedMeTo[Monday,Wednesday,Saturday]{tidy up}
=== Processing a dash-separated list of values ===
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