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< Tables Overview

There's no documentation about this mode besides in the sources (tabl-ltb.mkii/tabl-ltb.mkiv). It is for huge tables that can spread over several pages horizontally and vertically. It can repeat not only rows (headers, footers) but even columns.


\NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
  {\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}

\NC[style=slanted, color=green, background=color, backgroundcolor=darkred, nx=2, uitlijnen=middle] xxx
                 \NC yy \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR
  {\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff \NC \NR}

Another sample, posted by Hans to the mailing list on 2004-12-14:


\setuplinetable[c][1]   [width=2cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=red]
\setuplinetable[c][4]   [width=3cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow]
\setuplinetable[c][6]   [width=3cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=magenta]
\setuplinetable[r][odd] [background=color,backgroundcolor=gray]


\showframe \showstruts


\dorecurse{5}{\NC aaa\crlf aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff} \NC \NR
\dorecurse{20}{\dorecurse{5}{\NC aaa \NC bb \NC c \NC ddddd \NC eeee \NC ff} \NC \NR}


TODO: write documentation (See: To-Do List)