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Lucida - Old Content

Revision as of 10:32, 26 September 2010 by Mojca Miklavec (talk | contribs) (replace instructions for installation of Lucida fonts (we might want to remove the old content))

Installation of Lucida font provided by TUG







Old instructions

The instructions below might be outdated. If the method above works for you there is no need to follow the instructions below. If the instructions above don't work for you, please report on the mailing list.

Metric files for support for LaTeX can be found on:

Installation of YandY+TUG Lucida Bright fonts

according to Sytse Knypstra

  1. Install lucida fonts (unzip to e.g. texmf-local tree)
  2. Copy all lucida related .afm and .pfb files to d:\temp
  3. Open a MS-DOS window; go to directory d:\temp and run
       texfont --fontroot=d:\context\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local
       --ve=yandy --co=luc --ma --in --expert
  4. Copy files from third party modul [1] to d:\context\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local\
  5. Move personal '\environment files' to d:\context\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local\tex\context\user
  6. Copy the type-luc file to d:\context\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local\tex\context\base
  7. Edit the file cont-sys.tex in d:\context\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local\tex\context\user and add '\usetypescriptfile[type-luc] ' below the line \usetypescriptfile[type-buy]
  8. Run mktexlsr
  9. define a macro \lucida as follows:
      \input math-lbr
  10. and use it in your document as follows:
  11. It seems there is a bug in math-lbr, the bigl, bigr ans so on are really BIG (huge even) when used with lucida. math-lbr says
    \def\LBRbig  {\@@dobig{8.20}}
    \def\LBRBig  {\@@dobig{10.80}}
    \def\LBRbigg {\@@dobig{13.42}}
    \def\LBRBigg {\@@dobig{16.03}}

    You can replace by

    \def\LBRbig  {\@@dobig{0.920}}
    \def\LBRBig  {\@@dobig{1.080}}
    \def\LBRbigg {\@@dobig{1.342}}
    \def\LBRBigg {\@@dobig{1.603}}

Installation of B&H-flavoured Lucida Bright fonts

Renaud Aubin


  • GNU/Linux,
  • your B&H Lucida Bright distro unpacks .afm and .pfb files in ./fonts/afm/bh/lucida and fonts/type1/bh/lucida


  • unpack your B&H distro to TEXMFLOCAL,
  • run
     texfont --ve=bh --co=lucida --so=auto --fo=$TEXMFLOCAL --ma --in --expert
  • get the tfm files contained in the third party module [2] and put them to $TEXMFLOCAL/fonts/tfm/bh/lucida
  • uncomment \usetypescriptfile[type-buy] in cont-sys.tex,
  • give it a try with:
    \startMPenvironment[global] % use lucida for metapost too
    \usetypescript[lucidabfm][texnansi] % for bold math
    \usetypescript[lucidaboldmath][texnansi] % for bold math
    \definebodyfont[17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt,7pt,6pt,5pt,4pt][rm][bc=SerifBoldCaps sa 1,
      bca=SerifBoldCaps sa a,
      bcb=SerifBoldCaps sa b,
      bcc=SerifBoldCaps sa c,
      bcd=SerifBoldCaps sa d,
      bcx=SerifBoldCaps sa x,
      bcxx=SerifBoldCaps sa xx] % dunno if required from now
    \input knuth
    \input knuth
    \input knuth
    \input knuth
    \input knuth

Installing Free Lucida fonts that come with Java JRE

If you happen to use Java you might have noticed that it comes with Lucida. Assuming you downloaded the jdk-6u6-linux-x64.bin and extracted it to /opt

$ tree /opt/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/fonts/
|-- LucidaBrightDemiBold.ttf
|-- LucidaBrightDemiItalic.ttf
|-- LucidaBrightItalic.ttf
|-- LucidaBrightRegular.ttf
|-- LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf
|-- LucidaSansRegular.ttf
|-- LucidaTypewriterBold.ttf
|-- LucidaTypewriterRegular.ttf
`-- fonts.dir

0 directories, 9 files


$ tree /opt/jdk1.6.0_06/jre/lib/oblique-fonts/
|-- LucidaSansDemiOblique.ttf
|-- LucidaSansOblique.ttf
|-- LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique.ttf
|-- LucidaTypewriterOblique.ttf
`-- fonts.dir

0 directories, 5 files

Place the *.ttf files in a dir---you might want to rename the files such that it no longer has uppercase letters---then install the fonts with the following command.

su -c 'texfont --makepath --install --vendor=bandh --co=lucida --show'

You can see if the installation was successful by previewing the resulting pdf, namely texnansi-bandh-lucida.pdf.

Save this with the name type-lucida.tex


% how to use
% \usetypescriptfile[type-lucida]
% \usetypescript[Lucida][texnansi]
% \setupbodyfont[MyLucida,10pt] 


\starttypescript [serif] [lucida] [texnansi]

\starttypescript [sans] [lucida] [texnansi]

\starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [texnansi]

\starttypescript [serif] [lucida] [name]
	\definefontsynonym[Serif]          [LucidaBright]
	\definefontsynonym[SerifBold]      [LucidaBright-Demi]
	\definefontsynonym[SerifItalic]    [LucidaBright-Italic]

\starttypescript [sans] [lucida] [name]
	\definefontsynonym[Sans]			[LucidaSans]
	\definefontsynonym[SansItalic]		[LucidaSans-Oblique]
	\definefontsynonym[SansBold]    	[LucidaSans-Demi]
	\definefontsynonym[SansBoldItalic]	[LucidaSans-DemiOblique]

\starttypescript [mono] [lucida] [name]
	\definefontsynonym[Mono]			[LucidaSans-Typewriter]
	\definefontsynonym[MonoItalic]		[LucidaSans-TypewriterOblique]
	\definefontsynonym[MonoBold]		[LucidaSans-TypewriterBold]
	\definefontsynonym[MonoBoldItalic]	[LucidaSans-TypewriterBoldOblique]

\starttypescript [Lucida] 



Have fun!